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construction of this related project occur at the same time as the proposed Project. Only receptors located <br />in the immediate vicinity of each construction site would be potentially impacted by each development. <br />As such, cumulative impacts associated with groundbome vibration from construction activities would <br />not be cumulatively considerable and would be less than significant. <br />Additionally, cumulative traffic -generated noise impacts have been assessed based on the contribution of <br />the proposed Project in the Project opening year (2020) and the year 2040 cumulative base traffic volumes <br />on the roadway segments in the Project vicinity. The noise levels associated with these traffic volumes <br />with the proposed Project would increase local noise levels by a maximum of 0.3 dBA CNEL, which is <br />lower than 5 dBA, cumulative impact threshold for traffic noise. <br />For the reasons detailed in the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects relating to noise would not be <br />cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future probable projects. (DEIR, pp. <br />4.8-24 through 4.8-25.) <br />9.17.11 Population and Housing <br />The Project's portion of the cumulative increase in residential units is 9.9 percent, and the remainder of <br />the cumulative projects would generate over 90 percent of the cumulative increase. Thus, the Project's <br />contribution to the cumulative growth in housing is limited. Additionally, the total cumulative housing <br />growth from all of the cumulative projects identified in the DEIR would equal 7.4 percent, which is <br />consistent with SCAG growth estimates that anticipate an 8.4 percent increase. Thus, cumulative impacts <br />related to population and housing would be less than significant. Furthermore, the cumulative addition of <br />housing within the Santa Ana and City of Orange N. Main Street corridor area would have a favorable <br />effect on the jobs -housing balance, which could reduce environmental effects of long commute trips, such <br />as air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. <br />For these reasons that are detailed in the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects relating to population and <br />housing would not be cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future probable <br />projects. (DEIR, pp. 4.9-10.) <br />9.17.12 Public Services and Recreation <br />Fire Protection <br />Fire protection service is provided by Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) staffed Fire Stations that are <br />owned by the City of Santa Ana. There are several proposed projects within Santa Ana in the Project <br />vicinity that would combine to generate additional demands for OCFA services. Like the proposed Project, <br />the related projects would be reviewed by City and OCFA staff prior to permit approval and would be <br />required to implement fire protection design features per California building and fire code regulations that <br />would reduce potential fire hazards. Cumulative increased demands for services would also be offset by <br />the City of Santa Ana fire facilities fee that is required for each development project. <br />As detailed in DEIR Section 4.11, Transportation and Traffic, the Project would not result in cumulative <br />traffic impacts in both years 2020 and 2040. The roadway segments and intersections near the Project site <br />and Fire Stations 70 and 71 would continue to operate at satisfactory LOS. Therefore, the vehicular trips <br />generated by operation of the proposed Project would not result in a substantial increase in emergency <br />Resolution No. _ <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />75E-93 <br />Page 55 of 71 <br />