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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Bill B < <br />Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2019 12:15 PM <br />To: City Council; eComment <br />Subject: Please Vote to Opposive the 2525 Main St. Residential Project <br />Dear Mayor Pulido and City Council Members, <br />As a 15 year resident of Santa Ana and 8 years as an Executive Board Member of the Park Santiago Neighborhood <br />Association, one of only a few 501 (C)(3) neighborhood associations in Santa Ana, I am very proud to live in your City. <br />However, their is currently a Development Application for 2525 N Main that will be incredibly bad for Santa Ana, as the <br />traffic impacts and congestion created by the proposed High Density 476 unit Apartment Complex will have huge <br />Negative impacts to residents and visitors to, our crown jewel, the Santa Ana Main Place Mall. <br />Residents from north Santa Ana will be providing the City Council members this week, with over 1,000 signed petitions <br />Opposing the 2525 Main Residential Development and several hundred signed letters to the Council Opposing the 2525 <br />Main St Residential Development <br />The area immediately around 2525 Main St. already has over 2,500 Apartment Units scheduled to be developed in <br />the next 2 years. <br />In the past year, several hundred Apartments Units have already been developed within only 1/3 mile of 2525 Main St. <br />Traffic is already gridlocked during many times of the day on Main St and Edgewood Rd, the exact location of the <br />proposed 2525 Main St. Residential Project. <br />Further the Main Place Mall Transformation Project, which is NOT included in the EIR for 2525 Main St., because the <br />Main Place Mall's redevelopment application was received AFTER the 2525 Main St. EIR inclusion deadline, is scheduled <br />to develop an additional: <br />A. 1,900 Apartment Units <br />B. 400 Hotel rooms <br />C. 1,400,000 square ft of new commercial / retail development <br />D. 750,000 square ft of new office building development <br />With all this development, its critical to develop Santa Ana responsibly and in a manner that are streets can handle the <br />increased traffic. <br />Our residents of north Santa Ana Support the redevelopment of Main Place Mall and for Apartments of much less density <br />than the proposed 2525 Main St Residential Project. <br />Apartments of 30 Units per acre, not directly abutting single family homes and not right up against our highest <br />congested intersections, makes sense in the north Santa Ana. <br />North Santa Ana Residents support Responsible Development of Santa Ana. <br />We want new development in Santa Ana, but we want it done Responsibly. <br />However, the 2525 Main St, Residential Development is proposing over a 100% increase in apartments per acre, than <br />anywhere else in the entire City of Santa Ana, abutting single family homes. <br />2525 Main St is proposing 80 Apartments per acre, where the most anywhere else in the City, abutting R1, is 40 <br />Apartments per acre. <br />Simply put: The proposed 476 Apartments is simply too Large and too Dense, to be a good for Santa Ana. <br />The traffic at that location is already very bad and often times dangerous, due to its proximity to the ingress and egress <br />ramps of the 5 freeway. <br />