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Many north Santa Ana Residents prefer the 2525 Main St. parcel to remain zoned for business use, under the <br />Professional Office building zoning code the site currently has. <br />We are requesting our City Council to vote No on the proposed 2525 Main Street project, as our Planning <br />Commission has done. <br />It's time to develop the parcel into an appropriate asset for the City, and NOT another Oversized, Overly Dense, <br />Apartment Complex ruining Santa Ana's north end transportation infrastructure. <br />Of Note: As a real estate developer myself, with ownership in many office buildings and a shopping center, A NO <br />Vote on this Project will NOT give Santa Ana an "Unfriendly to Business" reputation to developers and investors. <br />A NO vote simply lets developers know that a specific proposal was not in fitting with Santa Ana's long term vision for the <br />City. <br />Developers understand that City Councils adjust the types, size and densities of real estate projects it wants within its <br />boundaries. <br />Developers will simply discuss with the Planning Department to get the latest development direction the City wants for its <br />projects. <br />That is a standard part of the real estate development, and developers and investors understand this , as a <br />normal course of their business. <br />Santa Ana is far too important to developers and developers will continue their strong interest in Santa Ana, even if <br />projects get Voted Down at City Council, <br />City Council's rejecting a development proposal because of density, size, or its overall poor fit with the surrounding <br />neighborhood is understood by developers. <br />Developers will always want to do business with Santa Ana. <br />Please vote Against the proposed 2525 Main Street Residential Project. <br />With the recent passing of Measure X and the substantial city revenue from the cannibias businesses in Santa <br />Ana, we no longer have to Over Develop our City to solve budgetary challenges. <br />We as Santa Ana residents, have Stepped Up, and agreed to higher sales taxes and have solved the budget <br />challenges. We no longer have to "Sell Out" our wonderful neighborhoods, our best asset in Santa Ana, <br />Santa Ana has a very bright future ahead and with Responsible Development of our City, Santa Ana residents and City <br />will both greatly benefit. <br />Sincerely, <br />Bill Bonnett <br />15 Year Santa Ana Resident <br />8 Years as Executive Board Member of <br />Park Santiago Neighborhood Association <br />