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Orozco, Norma <br />From: <br /> <br />Sent: <br />Tuesday, February 05, 2019 12:20 PM <br />To: <br />eComment <br />Subject: <br />Please, please vote No on 2525 N Main <br />Dear Esteemedmayor Pulido and City Council Members: <br />I recognize that the city of Santa Ana needs growth, development, and money. Our partially historic <br />community cannot accept rezoning of the land to accommodate a building that will destroy the look and feel of <br />our neighborhood. To the City of Santa Ana, this project represents funds and growth. To us, it represents the <br />loss of our quaint community, where our sight lines will be permanently altered, as will traffic, parking, and <br />Emergency personnel response times. At 82 units per acre this is the highest density project in Santa Ana and it <br />makes no aesthetic sense for it to be placed at the entrance to this historic neighborhood. <br />When we purchased our home in 2008, we did so because of the unique nature of Park Santiago. We moved <br />from Old Town Orange because we believed so much in this community, that we were willing to purchase this <br />house and invest our time and energy and finances to create a home that could proudly be a part of this <br />community. Although we could have purchased in any other city in Orange County, we chose this <br />neighborhood for the lack of cookie -cutter homes, for the amazing sense of community support, and for the <br />proximity to Santiago Park. Our friends and family warned us not to buy in Santa Ana due to many of the <br />challenges the city faced over the years; however, we loved this neighborhood because of its uniqueness. Our <br />children love this community as well. <br />We already have enough difficulties with traffic racing through between 17th and Main Street to avoid traffic <br />congestion. Even though the developer states there will be no access from Edgewood, we all know that people <br />that are trying to get to and from work will continue to use our streets to shave minutes off of their commute. <br />With the increased plan developments not only at 2525 N. Main, but the entire scope of projects slated for Main <br />Place Mall and Town and Country in Orange, We know the traffic flow through this neighborhood will become <br />unsafe and congested. Our children play in the streets, ride bikes, and enjoy the ability to live in such a quaint <br />community. <br />I am whole-heartedly against the rezoning and building of a behemoth apartment building. There are so many <br />areas in Santa Ana that would benefit from this amazing project. It is too large, too out of character for our <br />neighborhood, and even the Planning Commission has also observed this is not the right project for this piece of <br />land. <br />Speaking of the planning commission meeting that just occurred last month, where they voted to reject the <br />project... There were many people there that were paid by the developer to speak on behalf of, and in favor of <br />the project. If public comment is to be heard and understood, it should come from people who are the most <br />affected by this project. The comments should come from those of us that are living in Park Santiago. <br />The developer has spread a lot of misinformation about this project. We were so grateful to the <br />Planning Commission for understanding the falsehoods and that the EIR fatally flawed. Planning Comission <br />also observed the residents of Park Santiago are fighting to keep one of the remaining gems of Santa Ana intact. <br />We hope you not only consider, and accept, the Planning Commission's findings and reject this project. <br />Most sincerely and respectfully, <br />Janet Basalone <br />0 <br />