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Page 3 of 9 <br />large landscaped buffer with both existing and new trees providing visual screening. We have also <br />reduced building heights along this eastern edge and strategically placed windows for neighborhood <br />privacy. In fact, the closest upper story window within the new community will be more than 125 feet <br />from any existing home. <br />The structure of the Addington will be a maximum of 5 stories high and would step down to 2 story <br />structures toward the existing single-family residential areas on the east side of the project site. This <br />design provides a transition between the single-family residential development to the east and south, <br />and the commercial offices and sites along N. Main Street. The design enhancements to this site also <br />include the following: <br />• Increased height from 6 feet to 8 feet for the existing masonry wall on the east side of the site; <br />• 42 foot minimum setback from the eastern property line, maintaining mature landscape; and <br />• New landscaping and architectural forms and building heights would step down roof heights <br />on the east portion of the site to be approximately 20 foot high structure. <br />The Addington is not simply a better alternative to the current blighted property, or the replacement <br />office building, which would be allowed by right. The Addington is the only alternative that enhances <br />and contributes to the city and its residents. <br />240 NEWPORT CENTER RIVE SUITE #200 NEWPORT BEACH C/1 92660 <br />