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The report also states that coyotes are not a significant presence in the vicinity, which is not accurate. <br />Coyotes are frequently seen in both Santiago Park and in the neighborhood. The disruption caused by <br />the construction and occupancy of Magnolia will drive more coyotes into Park Santiago, placing residents <br />and companion animals at increased risk. The final EIR should further study this impact. <br />4.4.3 Environmental Setting Park Santiago Neighborhood <br />While it is accurately stated that some higher density, commercial use properties border a tiny portion of <br />Park Santiago's very south perimeter, Magnolia would be a significant departure due to its residential <br />nature, density, and massive scale and height. The conclusion that the project would have no impact to <br />the historic character of the neighborhood is based only on a review of 33 registered historic properties, <br />while ignoring that the vast number of Park Santiago homes were built more than half a century ago. <br />Although the majority of Park Santiago homes are not formally registered as historic, many would qualify <br />for historic status and they nonetheless contribute to the overall historic character and unique vintage <br />charm of Park Santiago. There are no high density apartment projects of this scale in the vicinity that are <br />directly adjacent to a neighborhood comprised solely of single-family residences. The final EIR should <br />take this under consideration. <br />4.5.2 Environmental Impacts <br />Table 4.5-3: Project Consistency with Santa Ana CAP asserts that Magnolia will reduce dependency on <br />cars and time spent in traffic, and would encourage bicycle use. These assertions are not based on the <br />realities of the vast majority of Orange County residents and workers. It is a fallacy that great numbers of <br />people will bicycle to their jobs or use the inadequate public transit system, and there is no evidence that <br />the project will, in fact, result in any significant increase in bicycling or use of public transportation. OCTA <br />bus ridership is in decline and bus lines are not a convenient or efficient way to travel to and from work or <br />other places residents must go, such as taking their children to school or running errands. And the warm <br />climate in the region is not conducive to bicycling to work, particularly during summer heat waves. <br />Recently, bicycle lanes were added to Grand Avenue between Fairhaven Avenue and 171h Street. I have <br />yet to see a bicyclist utilizing these lanes as a means to commute, and have only once seen a solo <br />recreational bicyclist. Gallup's recent How Americans Get to Work poll revealed that only 1 % of <br />Americans bicycle to work; only 6% take mass transit; only 5% walk; but the overwhelming majority of <br />workers, 83%, drive to work'. The final EIR should provide data based on empirical studies to support the <br />assertions that dependency on cars will be reduced by the project, bicycling and bus ridership will <br />increase, and that traffic congestion will decline. <br />4.7.2 Regulatory Setting, City of Santa Ana General Plan <br />Circulation Element, Policy 6.1: Implement street design features that discourage through traffic <br />on residential streets <br />There is no indication in the draft EIR of any mitigation to discourage through traffic on Park Santiago <br />streets. At the Planning Commission Study Session & Draft EIR Public Hearing held on August 27, 2018, <br />representatives of the developer stated they would include a provision in Magnolia's rental agreement to <br />prohibit tenants from using Park Santiago streets. This would obviously be an unenforceable and <br />probably illegal provision and the developer's statement should be disregarded. The developer also <br />stated that an outreach to Waze will be made to change the app's navigation algorithms to mitigate <br />through traffic, but the developer is not legally obligated to do so and even if they follow through on this <br />statement, it would be of nominal or no impact, due to Magnolia's proximity and desire of tenants to <br />traverse Park Santiago to access the new Walmart, Target, grocery stores, gas stations, local schools, <br />3 Gallup, Haw Americans Get to Work, 2007-2018, dated August 31, 2018 <br />0 <br />