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and other shopping and conveniences located east. The final EIR should include concrete measures of <br />how through traffic will be curtailed. <br />Conservation Element Objective 1.2: Provide sufficient water of adequate quality for all users <br />Southern California is in a continual and prolonged drought. The EIR does not address recently enacted <br />permanent water rationing laws, SB 606 and AB 1668. The final EIR should study these laws. <br />Energy Element Goal 1: To reduce consumption of non-renewable energy. <br />The EIR does not discuss how a high density project of this scale reduces consumption of non-renewable <br />energy. The final EIR should study how this will be addressed. <br />Housing Element, Goal 2: A diversity of quality housing, affordability levels, and living <br />experiences that accommodate Santa Ana's residents and workforce of all household types, <br />income levels, and age groups to foster an inclusive community. <br />Magnolia will target potential residents of high to moderate income levels, and its luxurious amenities are <br />designed to attract a certain demographic. It does not include any low income housing, thus is not <br />inclusive of lower income individuals or families. <br />Policy HE -2. 3: Rental Housing. Encourage the construction of rental housing for Santa Ana's <br />residents and workforce, including a commitment to very low, low, and moderate -income <br />residents and moderate -income Santa Ana workers. <br />Magnolia will target potential residents of high to moderate income levels, and its luxurious amenities are <br />designed to attract a certain demographic. It does not include any very low or low income housing, thus is <br />not inclusive of lower income individuals or families and will not contribute to a solution to the current <br />housing affordability crisis. <br />Land Use Element, Policy 2.10 Support new development which is harmonious in scale and <br />character with existing development in the area; and Policy 5.2 Protect the community from <br />incompatible land uses. <br />The massive scale and contemporary urban design of Magnolia is not harmonious with the historic <br />character of Park Santiago and its single-family residences. Most of the homes were built in the 1930s <br />through 1950s and their unique character is reflective of these time periods. The incompatibility of the <br />project is further exacerbated by its massive scale, height, density, and immediate adjacency. <br />Policy 1.4: Maintain at least a level of service "D" on arterial street intersections, except in major <br />development areas. <br />The draft EIR indicates that at least one intersection in the vicinity, Grand Avenue and Santa Clara <br />Avenue, operates at an unacceptable LOS. The additional traffic created during the construction phase <br />and once the project is occupied, will further degrade this and other intersections. Of utmost concern, <br />Park Santiago is already subjected to heavy cut -through traffic, as rush hour commuters speed through <br />the neighborhood streets from Main Street to Grand Avenue. The Waze navigation app includes Park <br />Santiago streets as an alternate route of travel! The additional traffic, estimated at 2,896 additional daily <br />trips, will only worsen these unacceptable dangerous conditions. The final EIR should include a further <br />study of parking and traffic impact during and after construction throughout Park Santiago and particularly <br />on Bush Street, Spurgeon Street, Edgewood Road, Virginia Avenue, Grovemont Street, Larchmont <br />Avenue, Santa Clara Avenue, Santiago Street, and Lincoln Avenue. The study should include <br />observations of the frequency of traffic violations, including the current and ongoing problem of excessive <br />