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speed and failure to stop at stop signs, to name just two. Table 4.11-4: Existing Neighborhood Roadway <br />Segment Levels of Service does not adequately address these important concerns. <br />4.7.6 Environmental Impacts—Zoning Code <br />The draft EIR concludes that there would be no impact from the proposed zoning change of existing P <br />(Professional) to SD (Specific Designation). The project would reduce the set-back from existing single - <br />family residences immediately adjacent to the east from 50 feet to 40 feet. This minimal set-back of 40 <br />feet would not mitigate the visual impact. Magnolia's buildings will be up to five stories at a height of <br />nearly 66 feet, and an eight-story parking structure of 90 feet in height. While some buildings closest to <br />the set-back would be two stories at a height of 25 feet, the bulk and massive scale would nonetheless be <br />a significant change from the current structure. Moreover, the buildings in the north-eastern edge of <br />Magnolia, adjacent to single family residences on Spurgeon Street as it curves to Virginia Avenue, are <br />comprised of five stories. (See images on page 4.) The fact that there are already taller buildings further <br />north on Main Street is immaterial to the impact of Magnolia because these buildings are commercial use <br />and are not immediately adjacent to Park Santiago. <br />4.8.2 Environmental Impacts - Impact NO1-1: Exposure of persons to, or generation of, noise levels <br />in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance or applicable <br />standards of other agencies - Construction <br />The draft EIR does not include any measurements of the noise impact to the immediately adjacent homes <br />on Spurgeon Street, Virginia Avenue, Bush Street, and Edgewood Road. The final EIR should include a <br />study of construction and occupancy noise impact to these immediately adjacent residential streets. <br />Table 4.11-4: Existing Neighborhood Roadway Segment Levels of Service and Figure 4 .11-2: <br />Neighborhood Intersections and Roadway Segment <br />There is no mention of the railroad crossings at Santa Clara Avenue and at 17Th Street. Metrolink and <br />other trains can cause significant delays in east/west bound traffic on these streets. Further, a Walmart <br />store is planning to occupy the vacant shopping center at Grand Avenue and 17`h Street. Impact from the <br />trains and the increase in traffic generated by the new store needs to be addressed in the final EIR <br />because of the considerable surge in daily trips through Park Santiago and on local streets, which will be <br />above the estimated 2,698 additional daily trips. <br />4,11.6 Environmental Impacts <br />The Project Description indicates three options to access Magnolia's parking garage. <br />Option A: Access on N. Main Street Only, will have a driveway on Edgewood Road to be used for postal <br />and commercial deliveries, and waste management trucks. The Main Street access will create a <br />significant impediment to the flow of traffic, as cars travelling northbound on Main Street would slow to a <br />near stop to enter the parking garage, creating more congestion on an already congested street and <br />nearby freeway egress. Additionally, the utility driveway to be used by waste management and other <br />utility vehicles which would run the length of the east side of the project would create significant disruption <br />to the peace of the adjacent homes on Spurgeon Street. The final EIR should address these impacts. <br />Option B: Santiago Park-Walkie Way and N. Main Street Project Access would provide <br />access to Magnolia's parking garage from Santiago Park/Walkie Way. The existing signal at Walkie Way, <br />which is currently only occasionally active, would become a significant impediment to already severely <br />congested traffic on Main Street, particularly at morning and evening peak times. This option would also <br />irreversibly harm Santiago Park and would degrade the quality of the park's environment. The final EIR <br />should further study this. <br />