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Received at City Council <br />Meeting 2/19/2019 <br />From: Betsy Iverson < <br />Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 2:16 PM <br />Subject: 2525 Main: Environmental Impact Report <br />To: <skelaher santa-ana.gra> <br />Hello, <br />We have many concerns about how this project will effect the traffic in the <br />neighborhood. We are already very congested with commuters cutting through our <br />neighborhood. One very big concern is the traffic surrounding the 76 gas station and the <br />entrance into the neighborhood at the Santiago Street entrance. <br />Also, we would like to see studies of how these types of projects effect current property <br />values. Our house is our biggest asset and we cannot afford to have our property <br />values decline which is very much a possibility as a result of the impact of this project. <br />Also, we don't have amenities adjacent to our neighborhood to support additional <br />population. You already can't find parking in the Mother's Market parking lot and I'm <br />sure this will only get worse. <br />Parking is another huge concern. While parking will be provided at the apartment <br />complex, there will inevitably be spillover into the neighborhood. <br />We also have concerns about the potential for crime to rise due to non residents visiting <br />the apartment unit and not respecting the neighborhood. Santa Ana PD is already <br />understaffed, will there be additional officers hired and deployed to these growing <br />neighborhoods? <br />There is no parking for the Discovery Science Center, where will that parking go? <br />Lastly, we want to understand how this will effect the park and adjacent trails. We have <br />a lot of issues with the homeless as it is, what provisions will be made to alleviate or <br />prevent additional issues or issues in general. <br />Thank you for your consideration. <br />Pete & Mary Iverson <br />Park Santiago Residents <br /> <br /> <br />V <br />