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Received at City Council <br />Meeting 2/19/2019 <br />From: Scott Trask < <br />Date: March 12, 2018 at 2:17:36 PM PDT <br />To: skelaher ,manta-ana.orq <br />Cc: Sara Trask < <br />Subject: 2525 North Main Street Multi -Family Residential Project <br />Dear Ms. Kelaher, <br />Thank you very much for your presentation at the March 1st Scoping Meeting regarding <br />the proposed 2525 North Main residential project. <br />My family and I are very concerned about the impact that this project will have on the <br />safety and quiet enjoyment of our home on <br />Our primary concern is the increased traffic that this project will cause. There are <br />currently only four entry/exit points in our neighborhood: <br />1) Main Street <br />2) Santiago ->1 7th Street <br />3) Santa Clara -> Lincoln -> Santa Clara <br />4) Santa Clara -> Lincoln -> 17th Street <br />These entry/exit points are already congested and additional traffic would exacerbate <br />this problem. Main Street will become significantly more congested if 2525 North Main is <br />added (even if there is no exit from 2525 onto Edgewood Road), especially with the <br />addition of the other developments along Main Street north of the Discovery Science <br />Center that are planned now and in the years to come. <br />Our house is on the corner of Edgewood and Poinsettia, with our kitchen and dining <br />room within 20 feet of Edgewood. Edgewood is a major artery in Park Santiago, and <br />the addition of 2525 Main will increase the traffic, noise, and air pollution that <br />we experience. <br />Increased traffic through Park Santiago will also cause increased traffic along East <br />Santa Clara Avenue. Hoover Elementary School is on Santa Clara, and additional traffic <br />will cause congestion there. <br />So, please consider our concerns when preparing the Environmental Impact Report <br />Sincerely, <br />Scott & Sara Trask <br />�`l <br />