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Dale Helvig <br /> <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2019-xx— EXHIBIT 2 (continued) <br />2.3. General Plan Land Use Element [page 60]: <br />"These areas [PAO] are typically adjacent to low density residential neighborhoods, or are <br />converted residential office uses." The current land use designation is correct. <br />2.4. General Plan Land Use Element: [page A-22] <br />"The Museum District located between the Downtown and Main Place/City Place District <br />Centers is proposed as a major office/cultural center which will be developed over the next 15 <br />to 20 years. The area will focus upon the expanded Bowers Museum, the Discovery Science <br />Center and the construction of additional museums and cultural centers." <br />2.5. [Page 4 of 9] "the Orange County Transportation Agency bus routes which connect to the <br />Anaheim Regional Transportation Authority which provides rail service throughout California <br />and is immediately adjacent to Santiago Park and Santiago Creek Bike Trail which connects to <br />regional bike trails." <br />This is a half-truth. There is a bus route along Main Street, but the bus stop is located 0.3 <br />miles to the north for the northbound route, southbound is conveniently located. However, <br />these buses do not support the needs a major transit stop in accordance with CEQA <br />requirements. The buses do not every 15 minutes during peak hours. <br />§ 21064.3. MAJOR TRANSIT STOP "Major transit stop" means a site containing an <br />existing rail transit station, a ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail transit service, <br />or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with a frequency of service interval <br />of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods. <br />The fact is neither of the northbound or southbound routes connect to both the north and <br />south "Major transit stops" and, neither the northbound or southbound routes run every <br />15 minutes during the morning and afternoon peak commute periods as required by <br />§ 21064.3. MAJOR TRANSIT STOP. <br />2.6. GATEWAY. Staff report states: In addition, the of the General Plan identifies the site as a <br />Gateway. I respectfully disagree. The northern gateway is Main Place/City Place. <br />[Urban Design Element page 15 and A-161 <br />Page 12 of 17 <br />