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CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE, <br />FEBRUARY 5, 2049 <br />TITLE: <br />W.Igr <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL USE ONLY, <br />PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL <br />IMPACT REPORT NO. 2018-01, DEVELOPMENT <br />AGREEMENT NO. 2018-01, GENERAL PLAN <br />AMENDMENT NO. 2018-06 AND AMENDMENT <br />APPLICATION NO. 2018-10 FOR THE PROPOSED <br />MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT <br />2525 NORTH MAIN STREET <br />(STRATEGIC PLAN NO. 3,2) <br />CITY MANAGER <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />17 As Recommended <br />0 As Amended <br />13 Ordinance on 1't Reading <br />10 Ordinance on 2nd Reading <br />C1 Implementation Resolution <br />O Set Public Hearing For_ <br />CONTINUED TO <br />FILE NUMBER <br />It is recommended that the City Council not open the public hearing and direct staff to reschedule <br />and publish notice of public hearing to a date specific. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION <br />At its regular meeting on January 14, 2019, and after receiving public testimony on the item, the Planning <br />Commission recommended that the City Council deny the proposed 476 -unit residential development at <br />2525 N. Main Street and all regulatory and implementing actions proposed. The Planning Commission <br />recommendation of denial included not certifying the Final EIR No. 2018-01 and not adopting the findings of <br />fact, statement of overriding considerations, and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the <br />proposed project. Further, the Commission recommended that the Council deny Development Agreement <br />No. 2018-03, General Plan Amendment No. 2018-06, and Amendment Application No. 2018-10. The <br />recommendation of denial was approved by a vote of 4:2 (Contreras -Leo, Mcloughlin, Nguyen and Verino <br />supportive of the denial motion; Alderete and Benavides opposed). Commissioner Cano recused herself from <br />deliberations on the project due to a conflict of interest (Exhibit 8). <br />DISCUSSION <br />Jeremy Ogulnick, representing AC 2525 Main, LLC, submitted an application for several entitlements to <br />facilitate the development of a 517 -unit multi -family housing project (87 du/ac) on a 5.93 -acre site at 2525 <br />North Main Street. Based on early staff and public feedback the applicant elected to reduce the request to <br />496 units (84 du/ac). Specifically, the applicant is requesting the certification of the Final environmental <br />impact report (EIR) for the project, along with the mitigation monitoring and reporting program and <br />7SE-1 <br />