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EIR No. 2018-01, DA No. 018-01, GPA No. 2018-06, <br />AA No. 2018-10 2525 North Main Street <br />February 5, 2019 <br />Page 2 <br />statement of overriding considerations. Specific <br />entitlements requested include a general plan amendment to redesignate the property from Professional & <br />Administrative Office (PAO) to District Center (DC), and an amendment application to rezone the property <br />from Professional (P) to Specific Development No. 93 (SD -93). In addition, a development agreement <br />between the City and applicant/owner was drafted to require the modifications listed below as well as a <br />number of community benefits: <br />• Reduce the density to 81 dwelling units per acre, a maximum of 476 units <br />• Revise the unit mix; reduce the number of studio and one -bedroom units to 70 percent of the <br />project and increase the number of two and three -bedrooms to 30 percent of the project <br />• Provide parking at a capacity of 2.0 spaces per unit <br />• Provide courtyards along the north elevation <br />With these project modifications and community benefits ensured, staff recommended to the Planning <br />Commission approval of the project. <br />At the January 14, 2019 Planning Commission meeting, 79 members of the public spoke on the item, 30 <br />speakers supported the project, 48 opposed it and one speaker was neutral. After deliberating on the <br />matter, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that the City Council deny the applicant's request to <br />allow the multi -family residential development on the site. Specifically, the Planning Commission expressed <br />concerns with the increase in traffic that would result from the project, the massing and density of the <br />project, the project's incompatibility with the surrounding community, potential adverse effects of the <br />project on the adjacent Park Santiago neighborhood, the lack of community support for the development, <br />potential long term impacts associated with the proposed development, and concerns with potential <br />parking intrusion on the adjacent neighborhood. <br />Project Location and Site Description <br />The subject site is a 5.93 -acre parcel located at the northeast comer of Main Street and Edgewood Road. <br />Regional access to the site is provided from the Santa Ana (1-5) Freeway via Main Street, a 6 -lane arterial <br />roadway, and via the State Route 22 (SR -22) Freeway. The properties immediately adjacent to the site <br />include Santiago Park to the north, single-family residential homes to the south and east and the Discovery <br />Science Center of Orange County is across Main Street to the west. The project site is located on North Main <br />Street, an urban corridor within the City. �he site is also located at a main entry point to the Park Santiago <br />Neighborhood, a residential neighborhood predominantly comprised of detached single-family dwellings.) <br />The site is currently improved with an 81,172 square foot, two-story office building with 442 parking spaces <br />and associated mature trees and landscaping. The building has been vacant since summer 2017 and was last <br />occupied by Wells Fargo. The Discovery Science Center of Orange County leases the parking lot for employee <br />and overflow parking. <br />75E-2 <br />Commented [DH7]: Exactly. A residential <br />neighborhood predominantly comprised of <br />detached single-family dwellings. <br />
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