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EIR No. 2018-01, DA No. 018-01, GPA No. 2018-06, <br />AA No. 2018-10 2525 North Main Street <br />February 5, 2019 <br />Page 11 <br />at a higher density than the nearby single-family residential uses. However, multi -family uses are often used <br />in planning and zoning practice to buffer higher intensity uses like commercial or industrial uses from single- <br />family residential uses and multi -family and single-family uses are more compatible in natureto each other. <br />�he Specific Development No. 93 (SD -93) is established for the purpose of protecting and promoting the <br />public health, safety and general welfare of the City and its residents. [this new zoning designation for the - Commented [DH32]: you've got to be <br />site is crafted to be consistent with the proposed project. If the zone change is approved, a series of site- kidding mel <br />specific objectives, policies and development standards will be used to guide the development of the <br />project. Specifically, the SD -93 document includes a menu of development standards which �pecify <br />setbacks, barking, height and landscape_ requirements and includes provisions for construction and Commented[DH33]: setbacks at tegado <br />maintenance to allow the exclusive entitlement of the residential project. The SD -93 document has been are 30 feeJim., emeet <br />framed to include staff recommended changes to the project and prohibits future modifications to enlarge <br />the size of the project. Approval of the proposal would allow for the construction of a high density residential <br />development in an urbanized setting that is within close proximity to neighborhood services and amenities. <br />�f approved, the zone change would need to be approved in conjunction with the proposed general plan <br />amendment. �his would result in a project that is consistent with the goals and objectives of City's General -- <br />Commented [DH34]: NSAPA does not <br />_ <br />Plan land use designation of District Cen ter. �fhe project will promote an urban development where office, <br />recommend this zone change and General <br />retail and residential activities would coexist in close proximity and in a mixed-use setting. Further, the <br />Plan amendment change. <br />projectwill contribute towards the improvement ofthe characterof the northern section of the City, Finally, <br />Commented[DH357: This is not nor should <br />the development, through the construction of the proposed public improvements and site amenities, will <br />It be a District center for the purpose of <br />1 <br />contribute to the enhancement of the area and serve as a buffer between commercial and high intensity <br />raising the density of park Santiago by <br />uses and the lower density residential area. <br />27 percent. <br />Public Comments <br />significant number of public comments have been received on this project, mainly voicing concerns or <br />opposition to the project. bverthe last year emails(approximately 400 emailsare on file), letters and phone <br />,- <br />Commented[DH367: The applicant <br />calls were received and small group meetings and study sessions have been conducted. A list of the major <br />counters with his presentation of a few <br />comments received are summarized in the sections below. <br />people that support the project. The 400 <br />emails should out -way the few the applicant <br />Community Meetings <br />presents. <br />On November 15, 2017, 27 calendar days after the application was submitted, the developer held <br />a Sunshine Meeting at the Discovery Cube of Orange County and overviewed plans for a 517 -unit <br />development, 5 -stories in height, with 910 parking spaces and access from Edgewood Road. �ignin sheets <br />indicate 263 people attended. Minutes of the meeting including community comments made at the meeting _ <br />and the applicant's responses were prepared by the applicant (Exhibit 5). <br />---- - - - -- <br />�n early 2018 (January 30, 2018 and February 15, 2018), Manning staff coordinated meetings with the <br />developer and the North Santa Ana Preservation Alliance representatives. Approximately 20 people <br />attended the small group meetings, including the developer, members of the North Santa Preservation <br />Alliance, nearby neighborhood representatives and planning staff. The applicant shared a revised plan that <br />included 505 units, a revised unit mix, the removal of the parking structure access from Edgewood Road, <br />and modifications to the architectural style. <br />7SE-11 <br />Commented [DH37]: Not everyone signed <br />In since the doors were opened late and only <br />2 tables were used to get everyone signed -in. <br />Over 450 people attended. <br />Commented [DH381:1 have provided my <br />response to Exhibit S. <br />Commented [DH39]: The January 30, 2018 <br />was a total bust. The applicant <br />representative committed to a <br />comprehensive update to the plan and they <br />failed. At the February IV meeting the <br />applicant said they fired the representative. <br />We didn't believe them and as you know, Ms. <br />Sapetto is still employed by the applicant and <br />is under Investigation. <br />