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2525 North Main Street <br />January 14, 2019 <br />Page 21 <br />�nvislorl ng (vtap� <br />_ — Commented [A1,1701; Stili can't believe this <br />is even being mentioned. The Envision Map <br />Early in the General Plan update process (late 2015/early 2016) Planning Division staff drafted an is not an approved City document. Aparcel <br />of land that is lasted across the streetfrom <br />envisioning map which identified study areas and areas that could potentially have an increase in 2525, and Islessthana009squarefeet,is <br />development, density and building heights. The North Main Street corridor (north of 17th Street) alsoiistedasa sitefor"Highrise (unlimited <br />including the subject property was identified as an area that may be considered for high-rise density)":. <br />development and unlimited density. The map did not go through a formal adoption process and <br />included a note that] "The map represents a conceptual effort and its contents are in a draft <br />format and do not represent any formal efforts to rezone or redesignate properties shown." �s <br />mentioned previously, the North Main Street area is still being analyzed as part of the <br />comprehensive General Plan update. <br />Cumulative Impacts <br />As part of the EIR a listof cumulative projectswas drafted Including projects in the vicinity within <br />the City of Santa Ana and City of Orange for which development applications were submitted, <br />approved and/or under construction at orprjortothe release ofthe NOP. �heprojectlistincludes <br />39 commercial and residential projects. Key topics raised or commented on relative to the <br />cumulative impacts were population and traffic among others that are analyzed in the EIR. <br />The Persons Per Household Evaluation within the EIR determined thatthe number of persons per <br />dwelling unit is anticipated to be 1,4 per studio, LIS per one -bedroom, 2,7 per two-bedroom and <br />3.9 per three-bedroom which with the applicant's proposed project would be 955 residents. [in _ <br />adclltlon� 1,236 multi -family units are proposedwithin the City of Santa Ana and 3,3246ultifamilY <br />units within the City of Orange (5,056 units total). The total cumulative housing growth from all <br />of the projects listed equals 7.4 percent, which is consistent with SCAG's growth estimates of 8.4 <br />percent increase. , <br />In 2020, the project and cumulative projects are anticipated to generate 4,306 a.m. peak hour <br />trips, 4,359 p.m. peak hourtrips, and 49,842 dailytrips. In 2020, with the cumulative project trips, <br />all study area intersections are forecast to operate at satisfactory levels of service, except for the <br />Main Street/Santa Clara/1-5 northbound on ramp and the SR -22 eastbound ramps at Town and ' <br />Country Road in both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. �Ipwever, the SR -22 eastbound ramps at <br />Town and Country Road also operate at unsatisfactory conditions under existing conditions. In ' <br />2040, the intersections are anticipated to operate at an unsatisfactory level of service with or <br />without the project. <br />, <br />Impacts to Public Services <br />Section 4.10 of the Draft EIR analyzed the impacts of the project on fire service, police service and <br />parks and recreation service. CECIA focuses on the physical effects of the project (i.e. new or <br />expanded facilities), therefore an increase in staffing or calls for service would not, by itself, be <br />considered a physical change in the environment. As proposed the project would result in a less <br />than significant impact to public services. <br />Commented [DH71 ]:This is a fair warning <br />to anyone wishing to use this map, <br />Commented C4472j: Whatls misa]ngisthe <br />' Maln Place Transformation Project. The City <br />has restricted the scope of the r2525 EIR to <br />development applications that were <br />submitted, approved and/or under <br />construction at or prier to the release of the <br />NOP. CEQA 15130. DISCUSSION OF <br />CUMULATIVE IMPACTS requires elther a list <br />of past, present, and probable future projects <br />producing relatedor cumulative impacts, <br />including, if necessary, those projects outside <br />the tontrol Of the agency, orA summary of <br />projections contained in an adopted local, <br />regional or statewide plan, or related <br />planning document, that describes or <br />evaluates conditions contributing to the <br />cumulative affect. <br />The Main Place EIR was approved in the <br />1990's and is known project. The fact that <br />the new owner submitted a plan InMay 2018 <br />IS irrelevant. The Main Place ElR did not <br />evaluate the 2525 W Main Residential <br />Development. And the 2525N. Main <br />Residential Development EIR did not F 3] <br />Commented CH73D From the Magnolia <br />At The Park Website; Them will be: <br />s a maximum oft residents allowed in <br />studios andone-bedroom units, <br />+ a maximum of 4 residents In two bedroom <br />units, and <br />• a maximum of 5 residents in <br />three bedroom units. <br />[41 <br />Commented (DH741: Over 1500 of these <br />units are slated for the areas south of the SR - <br />22 and North of 65 iwithin 0.5 miles of 2525 <br />N, Main St.) BEFORE you even count the 496 <br />units for this project and BEFORE the <br />1900 units at Main Place are considered, <br />Commented iDH751: Its already <br />unsatisfactory so we shouldn't worry about <br />it. What is not mentioned is the EIR also <br />states that for the 15 surrounding freeway <br />intersections during the peak times (a, m, and <br />p.m.) the CURRENT gradefor these 22 of the <br />30 data points is a failing grade. <br />