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EXHIBIT 1 <br />2.2.7 T,ife a ranee <br />City will purchase life insurance for City Manager in the amount of five hundred <br />thousand dollars ($500,000). <br />2.2.8 Deferred, Compensation 457 Plan) <br />City agrees to provide a Section 457 deferred compensation program for City <br />Manager and to pay the maximum IRC 457 (b) normal contribution limit per year (prorated for <br />2019) into such program for City Manager's benefit. Payments shall be divided and deposited on <br />City Manager's behalf for each pay period. The normal contribution limit is currently $19,000. <br />3. Performance Evaluation, <br />The Mayor and the City Council are responsible for setting performance goals on <br />an annual basis in consultation with the City Manager. The City Council shall review and <br />discuss City Manager's performance in or around July of each year commencing in 2019. <br />However, Employee acknowledges and accepts the fact that the City Council as Employer has <br />the right to schedule and an evaluation session at any time in accordance with the notice and all <br />other requirements of the Brown Act. As a result of the performance evaluation and at the City <br />Council's sole discretion, the City Council may provide a salary increase and/or perfonnance <br />bonus. <br />4. Bonds. <br />City shall bear the full cost of any fidelity or other bonds required of City <br />Manager under any law or ordinance. <br />5. Transportation and General Business Expenses. <br />5.1 Vehicle Provision <br />City shall provide City Manager with a vehicle, as well as fuel, maintenance and <br />liability insurance for said vehicle, for City Manager's use in commuting, in the performance of <br />her employment duties and for incidental personal use, or in the alternative, a monthly allowance <br />of $500. <br />5.2 General Business Expenses <br />A. City agrees to budget and pay for professional dues and subscriptions for <br />City Manager necessary for her continuation and participation in national, regional, state and. <br />local boards, task -forces, conferences and meetings, associations and organizations desirable for <br />City Manager's continued participation, professional growth, and advancement, and for the <br />benefit of the City. <br />3 <br />25D-5 <br />