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Air Quality <br />Failure to Evaluate Impacts from Construction Emissions <br />The 2019 Addendum concludes that there are no new construction impacts, however the 2019 <br />Addendum fails to quantify or evaluate the proposed Project's construction -related criteria air pollutant <br />emissions. As a result, the Project's air quality impacts and associated emissions are inadequately <br />addressed and mitigated. Until the Applicant prepares an updated analysis which quantifies and <br />evaluates the Project's construction emissions, the conclusions made within the 2019 Addendum cannot <br />be relied upon to determine Project significance. <br />Regarding the Project's construction emissions, the 2019 Addendum's Air Quality Assessment, provided <br />as Appendix F, qualitatively states: <br />"The implementation of the improved off -road equipment emissions standards that have <br />occurred since the time of the Final EIR would result in Project construction emissions that are <br />substantially lower than what was anticipated in the Final EIR. The Main Place Specific Plan also <br />identified sustainability features to enhance sustainability of the Project. These sustainability <br />features include the compliance with all SCAQMD standards for construction equipment and the <br />use of Tier 4 equipment where available during grading. Additionally, construction of the <br />Proposed Project would be required to comply with various SCAQMD rules, including Rule 402 <br />(Nuisance) and Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust). SCAQMD Rules 402 and 403 identify measures to be <br />implemented for the control fugitive dust generated during ground -disturbance activities. As <br />such, construction emissions would be lower than what was anticipated forthe Approved <br />Project. No new construction impacts would occur" (2019 Addendum, Appendix F, p. 29). <br />As stated in the excerpt above, the 2019 Addendum claims that the air pollutant emissions resulting <br />from construction of the currently proposed Project would be lower than the emissions anticipated by <br />the 1983 EIR, and thus the Project would not result in any new significant impacts. This justification is <br />entirely unsubstantiated, as neither the 2019 Addendum nor the 1983 EIR quantified or evaluated the <br />Project's construction criteria air pollutant emissions. Therefore, the Applicant cannot make a <br />comparison between the respective 1983 and 2019 emission levels or rely upon such comparison to <br />determine Project significance. <br />The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), the lead air pollution control agency for <br />the proposed Project, provides quantitative maximum daily significance thresholds for emissions of <br />several criteria air pollutants during construction and operational activities (see excerpt below).3 <br />'South Coast AQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds. SCAQMD, April 2019, available at: <br />httn:// md.eov/dots/d efau It -sou rce/cega/hand book/stag md-air-gAglity-siznificance-thresholds.pdf <br />