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South Coast AOMD Air Ouality Sienificance Thresholds <br />Mass Daily Thresholds <br />Pollutant <br />Construction" <br />Operation' <br />NO, <br />1001bs/day <br />551bs/day <br />VOC <br />75 Ibs/day <br />55 Ibs/day <br />PMm <br />150 lbs/day <br />1501bs/day <br />PMzs <br />55 Ibs/day <br />55 Ibs/day <br />SM <br />150 Ibs/day <br />150 Ibs/day <br />CO <br />550 Ibs/clay <br />550 Ibs/day <br />I,,wd <br />3 Ibs/day <br />3 Ibs/day <br />As the above excerpt demonstrates, the SCAQMD provides quantitative thresholds which land use <br />development projects must use to determine the significance of emissions associated with construction <br />and operational activities. <br />Therefore, absent the quantification of construction air pollutant emissions and comparison to <br />applicable thresholds, the 2019 Addendum cannot make any significance conclusions regarding the <br />Project's air quality impacts. Thus, impacts from the Project's construction -related air pollutant <br />emissions must be quantified, compared to thresholds, and additional mitigation should be <br />implemented to the extent necessary. <br />Furthermore, although the 2019 Addendum fails to report the Project's construction air pollutant <br />emissions, the Addendum's GHG Assessment includes a California Emissions Estimator Model Version <br />CalEEMod.2016.3.2 ("CalEEMod")4 air model for the Project's construction GHG emissions. However, the <br />Applicant only provided the annual CalEEMod modeling and failed to include the summer or winter <br />output files. The annual output files calculate emissions as the total tons per year as compared to the <br />summer and winter output files which estimate emissions as the maximum pounds per day. Therefore, <br />the summer or winter output files are necessary to compare the Project's maximum daily construction <br />emissions to the SCAQMD's maximum daily thresholds. Review of the annual CalEEMod output file <br />demonstrates that the Project's unmitigated construction NOx emissions would be approximately 17.83 <br />tons/year (2019 Addendum, pp. 2766).1 Based on the annual output files, we calculated that <br />construction NOx will have an average daily emission of 97.7 Ibs/day.' As a result, there is a fair <br />4 CaIEEMod website, available at: user-39-s-guide2016- <br />3-2 15n ove mber2017.pdf?sfvrsn=4 <br />s The GHG Emissions Assessment incorrectly inputted Tier 4 Final mitigation into the CalEEMod air model for <br />Project construction (2019 Addendum, pp. 2764-2765). The MainPlace Specific Plan simply states that "[gjrading <br />activities will be required to comply with all SCAQMD standards for construction equipment and will also be <br />required to use Tier 4 equipment if it is available' (see: https://www.santa- <br /> MainPlace SP Online Viewing.pdf, P. 2-22). The MainPlace Specific <br />Plan does not actually require the use of Tier 4 equipment, and thus the 2019 Addendum cannot rely upon this <br />mitigation when modeling emissions. As a result, we rely upon the CalEEMod model's unmitigated emissions, as <br />they more accurately represent the Project's construction emissions. <br />s Calculate: (17.83 tons/year) x (1 year/365 days) x (2000 Ibs/ton) = 97.7 Ibs/day. <br />