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argument that the maximum daily NOx emissions may exceed the SCAQMD's daily maximum threshold <br />of 100 Ibs/day.' Thus, Project construction may result in a new significant impact which was not <br />identified or addressed by either the 2019 Addendum or 1983 EIR. Prior to Project approval the <br />construction emissions should be quantified and compared to the SCAQMD's thresholds in an updated, <br />Project -specific EIR. <br />Diesel Particulate Matter Health Risk Emissions Inadequately Evaluated <br />The Project Applicant conducts a health risk assessment (HRA) in orderto determine the health risk <br />posed to new, on -site residential receptors due to proximity to the Interstate 5 freeway and State Route <br />22 (2019 Addendum, p. 117). Based on this HRA for new, on -site receptors, the 2019 Addendum <br />concludes that "impacts related to toxic air contaminates would be less than significant" (2019 <br />Addendum, p. 118). This significance determination is incorrect, however, as the 2019 Addendum fails <br />to conduct a construction or operational HRA to determine the health risk posed to existing, nearbv <br />sensitive receptors as a result of Project construction and operation. The 2019 Addendum attempts to <br />justify the omission of an HRA for existing receptors by stating, <br />"Construction is temporary, would be transient throughout the site (i.e., move from location to <br />location), and would not generate emissions in a fixed location for extended periods of time. <br />Construction would be subject to and would comply with California regulations limiting the <br />idling of heavy-duty construction equipment to no more than 5 minutes to further reduce <br />nearby sensitive receptors' exposure to temporary and variable diesel particulate matter <br />emissions. For these reasons, diesel particulate matter emissions generated by construction <br />activities, in and of itself, would not be expected to expose sensitive receptors to substantial <br />amount of air toxics and the Project would have a less than significant impact" (2019 <br />Addendum, p. 114). <br />The 2019 Addendum goes onto state, <br />"Although the closest sensitive receptors are located approximately 300 feet from the property <br />line of the Project, construction would not occur at the property line, but would be setback <br />approximately 300 feet the property line that is closest to the sensitive receptors... According to <br />the CARB Air Quality and Land Use Handbook (2005), pollutant concentrations drop off <br />drastically with distance (i.e., a 70 percent drop off in pollutant concentrations at 500 feet from <br />the source). Additionally, construction equipment and vehicles in general have become cleaner <br />and release less emissions than when the 1983 EIR was certified and when the 1996 Addendum <br />was adopted. As a result, construction emissions would be lower than what was anticipated in <br />both the 1983 EIR and the 1996 EIR, and no new impacts would occur" (2019 Addendum, p. <br />114). <br />As the above excerpt demonstrates, the 2019 Addendum claims that health risk impacts associated with <br />construction and operation of the currently proposed Project would be lower than the impacts disclosed <br />' South Coast AQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds. SCAQMD, April 2019, available at: <br />httl):// md-air-g ua lity-sign ifi cance-th resholds.pdf <br />
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