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Implement the strategies outlined in the Consolidated Plan. <br />In the area of housing, the City will continue to build its relationship with local housing providers such as <br />private developers, nonprofit developers, and neighboring housing authorities, to ensure that limited <br />housing resources are utilized in the most efficient and effective manner possible. The City also will <br />continue to participate in the regional Continuum of Care as board members and on subcommittees in <br />order to coordinate with neighboring jurisdictions to reduce homelessness in our community. <br />Actions planned to enhance coordination between <br />service agencies <br />The Orange County ESG grantees (County of Orange <br />of Santa Ana) have developed the Orange county:E <br />review and fund ESG subrecipients throughout the Cc <br />approach has streamlined the appllcatiQn and review <br />understand the impacts of funding decksn3Future <br />:� <br />and monitoring forms and other actionsbet�er�sen <br />a <br />City staff serve on the Continuum of are Bo��d, sti6r <br />efforts. <br />Public agencies, nonpk <br />provision of affordable <br />and <br />and <br />pubs &Md private housing and social <br />V, <br />of Anaheim, City=nGarden Grove, and the City <br />laborative as a unifif d pproach to request, <br />y and in.each jurisdtio ichis collaborative <br />t*° Allowed <br />aSe,�S d4�hwed the gran te' ��o better <br />Ila6ye efforts will include unified invoice <br />our hoi iglos and at -risk of homeless families. <br />mittees drZdare involved in several regional <br />Annual Action Plan <br />2019 <br />play an integral role in the <br />6111 <br />OMB Control No; 2506-0117 (exp. 0613012018) <br />75C-56 <br />