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Based on the substantial evidence set forth in the record, including butnot <br />limited to the 1983 EIR, the 1996 Addendum, and the 2019 Addendum, the <br />Planning Commission finds that an addendum is the appropriate document for <br />disclosing the changes to the MainPlace Mall Property, and that none of the <br />conditions identified in Public Resources Code section 21166 and State CEQA <br />Guidelines section 15162 requiring subsequent environmental review have <br />occurred, because: <br />A. The MainPlace Project does not constitute a substantial change that would <br />require major revisions of the 1983 EIR due to the involvement of new <br />significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of <br />previously identified significant effects. <br />B. There is not a substantial change with respect to the circumstances under <br />which the MainPlace Project will be developed that would require major <br />revisions of the 1983 EIR due to the involvement of new significant <br />environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of the <br />previously identified significant effects. <br />C. New information of substantial importance has not been presented that was <br />not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable <br />diligence at the time the 1983 EIR was certified or adopted, showing any of <br />the following: (i) that the modifications would have one or more significant <br />effects not discussed in the earlier environmental documentation; (ii) that <br />significant effects previously examined would be substantially more severe <br />than shown in the earlier environmental documentation; (iii) that mitigation <br />measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be <br />feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects, but <br />the applicant declined to adopt such measures; or (iv) that mitigation <br />measures or alternatives considerably different from those analyzed <br />previously would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the <br />environment, but which the applicant declined to adopt. <br />SECTION 2. FINDINGS. Based on the entire record before the City Council, <br />including all written and oral evidence presented to the City Council, the City Council <br />hereby determines that following findings, which must be established in order to grant <br />Tentative Parcel Map No. 2018-01, have been established as required by Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code: <br />A. The proposed project, as conditioned, and its design and improvements are <br />consistent with the District Center designation of the General Plan and are <br />otherwise consistent with all other Elements of the General Plan. <br />Tentative Parcel Map No. 2018-01, as conditioned, and its design and <br />improvements will be consistent with the District Center (DC) land use <br />designation of the General Plan and are otherwise consistent with all other <br />Elements of the General Plan and applicable Specific Plans. The proposed <br />subdivision is consistent with: <br />Resolution No. 2019-041 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />