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TTT <br />DG - 238 Newly landscaped areas should complement the existing <br />plant palette found in nearby medians, planters, or <br />streetscape areas. <br />DG - 239 Trees placed adjacent to commercial store frontages <br />should not block identification signage or window displays. <br />DG - 240 The landscaped buffer strip shall have a minimum of one <br />24-inch box canopy tree per 25 lineal feet. The trees can <br />be placed in groups in order to achieve a particular design. <br />DG - 241 Landscape material should complement the character of <br />the surrounding environs, including medians and the <br />opposite side of the street, in size, form, quantity, and <br />color. Despite the opposite side of Main Street and Main <br />Place Drive being outside the Specific Plan area, the street <br />should appear to be one unified area. <br />DG - 242 Shrubs should be between 24" — 30" tall along the <br />perimeter of parking lots when adjacent to Main Street <br />and Main Place Drive to prevent headlights from <br />distracting drivers. <br />DESIGN GUIDELINES 1 4 <br />Examples of perimeter buffer conditions <br />Street trees and lower level landscaping should be used to define walkways <br />and public spaces. <br />MAINPLACE SPECIFIC PLAN 1 4-41 <br />