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TTT <br />A. General Guidelines <br />DG - 40 Each building should have a clearly identifiable base floor, <br />body, roof lines and entry points. <br />DG - 41 Upper floors should include variations in the fagade plane <br />to increase building aesthetic interest and allow for <br />balcony or other outdoor amenities. <br />DG - 42 To promote an urban feel, buildings within the Specific <br />Plan area are not required to be stepped -back on upper <br />stories as recommended in the City Design Guidelines. <br />Building step -backs are allowed where appropriate. <br />DG - 43 Multi -story buildings that do not include fagade stepbacks <br />should include horizontal architectural elements such as <br />banding, windows, trim, awnings, eaves or other <br />ornamentation. <br />DG - 44 Architectural elements such as bays, bay windows <br />recessed or projecting balconies, verandas, porches and <br />other elements that add visual interest, scale, and <br />character to the neighborhood are encouraged. <br />DG - 45 Tall, dominating structures should incorporate first -floor <br />elements, including arches, trellises, or awnings, at a <br />human scale to ensure that large structures are <br />contributing to the character of the streetscape. <br />DG - 46 "360 degree" architecture should be implemented. All <br />faces of a building, no matter if visible from a current <br />public space or not, should receive equal consideration in <br />regard to design features and architectural interest. <br />DG - 47 Boxy and monotonous facades and large expanses of flat <br />wall planes are strongly discouraged. <br />DESIGN GUIDELINES 1 4 <br />DG - 48 Varied building heights are encouraged to provide visual <br />interest. <br />B. Roof Articulation <br />DG - 49 Roofs should provide an equal level of design treatment on <br />all elevations and provide design details that reduce <br />horizontal and vertical mass and scale. Full roofs are <br />encouraged. <br />DG - 50 Roof elements and design features (e.g. pitch, materials, <br />eaves, dormers, etc.) should be consistent on all <br />elevations, including those that are not visible from the <br />public right-of-way. <br />Minor roof articulation helps to break up solid building skylines. <br />MAINPLACE SPECIFIC PLAN 1 4-9 <br />