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from the City, Kimley-Horn will revise the document <br />accordingly and submits the approval draft (In both clean and <br />"track change" format) for approval to print. <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />Preparation <br />Kimley-Horn's approach to preparing key sections of an <br />IS/MND is similar to the discussion set forth above for an EIR <br />preparation, although the amount of detail in the existing <br />conditions and impact analyses is appropriately reduced to <br />address the specifics of the project. Sections not required for <br />an IS/MND include, but are not limited to, a discussion of the <br />Project Objectives, the Alternatives analyses, discussions of <br />Significant Irreversible Impacts, Growth -Inducing impacts, and <br />the Cumulative analyses (except where explicitly required by a <br />threshold of significance) <br />Kimley-Horn will be responsible for the reproduction and <br />distribution of the IS/MND, Notice of Intent (NOI) to Adopt a MIND, <br />and NOC to the State Clearinghouse (if applicable) to those on <br />the City's mailing distribution list. This effort will include <br />coordinating the preparation of the document in PDF format for <br />use In CDs and inclusion on the City's website. Kimley-Horn will <br />post the NOI with the County Clerk. Additionally, Kimley-Horn <br />can prepare an abbreviated NOI for publication in a newspaper <br />of local circulation to announce the public review period. <br />According to CEQA Guidelines Section 15074, a lead agency <br />does not need to prepare a formal response to comments <br />document, but rather, the decision -making body must consider <br />the IS/MND together with any comment received during the <br />public review process. However, it is the practice of the City of <br />Santa Ana to provide the decision -making body with a set of <br />written responses to all comments received for their use in <br />deliberations on whether to approve the project. The <br />preparation of these documents is similar to the process set <br />forth for the EIR, as described above. <br />Project Management and Meetings <br />For all projects, Kimley-Horn's level of participation in meetings <br />will be based an the preferences of the City's Project Manager. <br />Scopes of Work can be prepared to include a wide variety of <br />participation in conference calls and meetings. We would be <br />responsible for managing the CEQA process for the City, <br />including ongoing Project Team coordination to ensure <br />compliance with the Scope of Work, budget, and schedule, <br />and to disseminate project information in a timely manner, <br />resulting in consistent information for all technical reports. <br />Kimley-Horn will be available to participate in public <br />information meetings at the request of the City. At public <br />meetings, Kimley-Horn will be available to answer questions on <br />the EIR and environmental analysis and facilitate information <br />Kimley>>>Horn <br />City of Santa Ana Environmental and Planning Services <br />sharing through visual graphics and/or PowerPoint <br />presentations. Importantly, Kimley-Horn will be available to <br />attend all public hearings (e.g., Planning Commission, City <br />Council) and meetings with applicable jurisdictions/responsible <br />agencies, and answer questions related to the CEQA <br />documentation. All Kimley-Horn Team members are <br />experienced and adept at providing helpful technical responses <br />and clarifications for decision -makers at public meetings and <br />hearings, and at making presentations at public hearings. <br />On -Call Planning Services Approach <br />Comprehensive planning requires understanding historical <br />trends, current conditions, and projections of future conditions <br />related to transportation modes and facilities, land use <br />patterns, housing types and densities, socioeconomic <br />characteristics, human behavior, funding opportunities, and <br />political support. Our staff has the experience, depth, and <br />flexibility to assist local governments with comprehensive <br />planning, whether the projects require specialized expertise or <br />are short turnarounds, politically sensitive, or complex <br />We tailor each task's scope of work specifically to the needs of <br />the individual project and the City. Our familiarity with local <br />standards and regulatory agencies helps us determine what <br />will be necessary to assist the City with each task order, <br />Comprehensive Planning Services <br />Our team has developed General and Specific Plan land use <br />programs, policies, and implementation programs for <br />numerous jurisdictions and developers throughout California. <br />Our staff has also developed community and neighborhood <br />plans, zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, overlay <br />districts, and planned unit development agreements. We have <br />a wide range of experience with comprehensive plans, land <br />development controls and design standards, and master <br />planning for various public clients involving far-reaching <br />municipal issues. Our knowledge of critical planning elements, <br />such as regulatory and policy planning, entitlements, <br />comprehensive plans, land use scenario planning, <br />implementation strategies, environmental review, and <br />intergovernmental coordination, helps us provide truly <br />comprehensive planning services for our clients <br />Importantly, our key personnel have worked as an extension of <br />staff for numerous municipal agencies to support every aspect <br />of Specific Plan approval, from plan review for consistency with <br />existing policies to preparation of entitlements and <br />representation at public meetings and hearings <br />Our team of planning professionals understands the <br />interrelated nature of development policy and employs a "360 <br />degree" view of planning. We incorporate this holistic <br />approach in our projects and create plans, programs, and <br />