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Basin, whereas the area of consideration for education is <br />limited to the applicable school districts, <br />Environmental Analysts. For each topical issue addressed, the <br />EIR will contain a discussion of the following, analysis <br />methods; physical environment in the project area; regulatory <br />framework applicable to the project; thresholds of significance <br />based on the City's environmental checklist; significant direct <br />and indirect environmental effects; mitigation measures; and <br />the level of significance prior to and after any mitigation. The <br />EIR will clearly identify significant environmental effects <br />anticipated for each environmental issue. If desired, the EIR <br />City of Santa Ana Environmental and Planning Services <br />will differentiate among features of the Project Design Features <br />(e.g , project components intended to preclude the occurrence <br />of impacts); Regulatory Requirements (e.g., codes, regulations, <br />and other requirements that would apply to a project <br />regardless of CEQA); and mitigation measures (e.g., measures <br />required to reduce an environmental impact). For each topical <br />issue, the EIR will identify the level of significance prior to and <br />after mitigation, based on the established thresholds. Project <br />effects that cannot be mitigated to a level considered less than <br />significant are identified. Kimley-Horn can provide the following <br />analyses: <br />• Aesthetics/Visual Impact Analysis (including shade/shadow analysis and project renderings) <br />• Agriculture and Forestry Resources <br />• Air Quality and Health Risk <br />• Biological Resources <br />• Cultural Resources <br />• Tribal Cultural Resources including AB 52 and SB 18 consultation <br />• Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />• Energy <br />• Hazards and Hazardous Materials (including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments) <br />• Hydrology/Drainage <br />• Land Use/Planning <br />• Mineral Resources <br />• Noise and Vibration <br />• Population and Housing <br />• Public Services and Utilities/Service Systems (including infrastructure planning and design) <br />• Recreation (including landscape plans, trail plans, and park master plans) <br />• Transportation <br />• Wildfires <br />• Water Quality <br />Mitigation Monitoringand Reporting Program <br />(MMRP) <br />Kimley-Horn will prepare a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting <br />Program (MMRP) consistent with the City's standard format to <br />identify appropriate monitoring steps/procedures to provide a <br />basis for monitoring such measures during and upon project <br />implementation. The MMRP will include all Project Design <br />Features, Standard Conditions, and Mitigation Measures need <br />to mitigate significant project impacts; the Monitoring <br />Milestone (indicating points at which each agency/department <br />is responsible for verifying implementation of the measure); <br />Method of Verification (such as documentation or field checks); <br />and a verification section for the initials of the verifying <br />Kimley)))Horn <br />individual, date of verification, and pertinent remarks. Kimley- <br />Horn can also provide Mitigation Monitoring implementation <br />services to ensure a project's compliance with applicable <br />measures as well as conditions of approval. <br />Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding <br />Consideration <br />Kimley-Horn can prepare a draft Findings of Fact and a <br />Statement of Overriding Considerations based on the City's <br />preferred format, There are standard formats for these <br />documents; however, in our experience, each Lead Agency <br />has a preference for a specific template and level of detail. <br />Therefore. Kimley-Horn tailors these documents to the <br />preference of the Lead Agency, Upon receipt of comments <br />