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INT5RW,EST <br />3Nw w,. I nfe rw a at a rp.-. a am, <br />treated - and chaired statewIdetaskf6rceAo develop mod6l ordinance for trench <br />cut fees, whlch�s approv.4bV_.Leag'ue_of,CA Cities, and enabled full cost <br />'recovery., <br />Spearti acled Mayor's Task Force on;Traffic and Tran <br />sportation th6t 06ated. <br />report o -transportation vision for.arterlakresiidentiaf sireets,'freeWay/traiisit, <br />and geo%Wth n1anag6m§At <br />Funded 52M in annual maintenance and •miinajement costs 46r. City's <br />•0'f Stormwater Pollalon Preve6ti.ri rogrim'by,&eiting federal Clian,,Water <br />Eiiferpr'ise_:_ <br />i . <br />Maxmized efficlencles thmugh new technology implementations Including <br />state-of-the-ut' traffic,op-&EIVoni cdfitir',to:minage 2g6'traWsignils,zincl <br />advanced domputer-aldiicl-deilgr; <br />Reduced ,contingency costs Ao' 'less than 4_%: on construction prbjdcts by <br />improving construction plans and hclalrig 6est-wniir4aloi}l r'eeilrigs after e'ach, <br />pr6jeci: to Identify areas for future continuous impr <br />ovements,_ <br />City Traffic Engineer <br />119854988City- oF Santa Ana'] CA <br />Managed Transpqrtatlb . n .*partrr'fe_nt Y;h6 cdrislstEd pf•24•emplo ..yees, <br />I Reviewed and coordinated prMate.develoiimbritwlth other.Ctty agencies: Served <br />'dsSecretary onptYsTransportation Akd'vis'or.yCommittee. <br />Transportation <br />ransoortatidn Developmehl: Enifine-er <br />1984 , -1984 Citypf iiaiita-Ana, <br />'Securedledual, ifatei and local griints'icir tiansportat'lon prblects,',Or6pared <br />conditions for private -development' <br />t- a,pprovai; -rnhna*g"e,d traffic ;siUdV <br />prepkation; and worked with fieighbqrho6cl associates to manage traffic He led <br />a team of eight employies and pirophred a Capital Improvement Program. <br />Project Engineer <br />1981-1984 -Willclag-Assoclites <br />pevelooed project objectives. i by'rev iewng:projeci. prop9sals and plans and <br />- 1, . - - <br />,conferred with" management. Reiponsiblei fdr, Identifying project 'phases and <br />elements,; <br />e ments,, and assfghin-gPersohn el as:wei,l awevlo�viinjfiids from - contractors. <br />Determine'd 'project spled6ations' by studyi6g p_rbdLTct.Aesigfi, customer <br />requirements, - and perfom6ncei stairidar�di;, iompl6fed 4ec'hnlcal studies; <br />prepared cost' estlmzites. lliteimlnied and malnialnid prblici schedule;, <br />Cohflrmecl.Oroduci performance by, desighing-'anci conductingtists. C . ontrolled <br />iirojkt'iilan and costs. -Prepared projects status iep6rts. <br />Assoclate.Engineer <br />. 1974-1 1 981 ciiy pf San Juiii C . a;ilitra66 <br />I v . . ; <br />,Performed' professional and teclinic.01 engineering work in design, land <br />devel6prn - ent, 'an , d :capital improve . merits. ­ Designed, and prepared plans for, <br />and the genera - I p . ubli . c,Developed . revised desgd paKconstruction itindirds for <br />public Work . s . structures - . and - appurfen�46ces. - 5 . erved . as�cionikciion inspector to <br />ensure - <br />compliance on .city . projects, subdivisions and: encroachments.Investigated field problems affecting K'oIertV owners, coniractors, and <br />maintenance operations resolved or referred problems as appropriate.nal -and <br />Administered 'contracts, coordinated 'and "reviewed the work of 'outside <br />consultants, ancilmade rec6mriiifidatki6i. <br />Senlor Engineer Asslitant <br />1971-19ALos Angeles County <br />.6e te rmined engineering requirements. Resolved engineering proble-firii. Verified <br />'applications, "applicatioMaintained_' -project team -accomplishments . _ by <br />communicating essential' Iqfo_fmatio_n,'.Met E.6st, itan.daMs by, preparing 66_st= <br />benefit analyses <br />rPade2'8 <br />25F-80 <br />