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SANTA ANA MUNICIPAL %.r3DE <br />CHAPTER 16, ARTICLE III <br />necessary, enter upon or Into the private property of said person without further notice or liability therefor <br />In order to abate said nuisance. <br />(Code 1952, § 3842.4; Ord, No. NS-880, § 1, 6-5-67; Ord. No. NS-2300, § 5, 9-3-96) <br />Sec. 16-54. - Abatement action by city. <br />The city public works director may cause the city's nuisance abatement work force or contractor to <br />enter upon any private property and abate any nuisance found thereon, or in front thereof, provided ten <br />(10) days notice to abate such nuisance shall have been posted or mailed as required by this article, the <br />time allowed by such notice shall have expired, and no person shall have filed a written statement of <br />objections as herein provided within ten (10) days after posting or mailing; In the event objections shall <br />have been duty filed, and overruled by the city council, the city public works director may cause the city's <br />nuisance abatement work force or contractor to enter upon any such private property and, in accordance <br />with the order of the city, abate the nuisance found thereon, or in front thereof. <br />(Code 1952, § 3842.6; Ord. No. NS-880, § 1, 6-5-67; Ord. No. NS-1235, § 43, 12-9-74; Ord. No. <br />NS-2300, § 6, 9-3-96) <br />Sec. 16.55. - Cost of abatement. <br />(a) The city public works director shall keep a separate account of the cost of abatement In front of or <br />on each individual lot or parcel of land where abatement work is done. He shall submit to the city <br />manager for confirmation an Itemized written report showing such cost. A copy of the report shall be <br />posted for at least three (3) days prior to Its submission to the city council on or near the council <br />chamber door with a notice of the time of submission. At the time fixed for receiving and considering <br />the report, the city council may hear the matter or refer it to the hearing officer under the provisions <br />of Chapter 3 of this Code. <br />(b) The city council may, by resolution, establish a standard administrative fee for parcels requiring <br />nuisance abatement work by the city's nuisance abatement work force or contractor. Such fee shall <br />be in addition to the direct cost of the abatement work and shall be in an amount reasonably <br />determined to cover such costs as posting, inspection, contractor supervision, and the like. <br />(c) The city council may, by resolution, also establish a standard charge for additional administrative <br />costs for parcels requiring more than one (1) notice of abatement in any twelve-month period. <br />(Code 1952, § 3842.7; Ord. No. NS-880, § 1, 6-5-67; Ord. No, NS-1235, § 44, 12-9-74; Ord. No. <br />NS-2300, § 7, 9-3-96) <br />State Law reference— For authority to abate nuisances, see § 38773, Gov. Code. <br />See.16.56. - Receiving, receipting and billing for cost to city. <br />The city finance director shall receive the amount due on the abatement cost and shall Issue receipts <br />at any time after the confirmation of the report. The city finance director may bill the owner of record <br />directly at any time he shall desire. <br />(Code 1952, § 3842.10; Ord. No. NS-880, § 1, 6-5-67; Ord. No. NS-2300, § 8, 9-3-96) <br />Sec.16-57. - Special assessments —Lien. <br />75B-46 <br />