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2019-076 - Confirming the Costs and Expenditures Incurred by the Citry for Weed
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2019-076 - Confirming the Costs and Expenditures Incurred by the Citry for Weed
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9/26/2019 2:03:41 PM
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9/12/2019 11:30:01 AM
City Clerk
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SANTA ANA MUNICIPAL BODE <br />CHAPTER 16, ARTICLE III <br />The cost of abatement in front of or upon each lot or parcel of land constitutes a special assessment <br />against that lot or parcel. After the assessment is made and confirmed, it Is a Ilan on the lot or parcel. <br />(Code 1952, § 3842.8; Ord. No. NS-880, § 1, 6-5-67) <br />Sec, 16.58. - Same --Collection procedure. <br />After confirmation of a report, a certified copy of the same shall be filed with the county auditor on or <br />before August 10th of each year. The descriptions of the parcels reported shall be those used for the <br />same parcels on the county assessor's map book for the current year. The county auditor shall enter each <br />assessment on the county tax roll opposite the parcel of land. The amount of the assessment shall be <br />collected at the time and in the manner of ordinary municipal taxes, if delinquent, the amount is subject to <br />the same penalties and procedures of foreclosure and sale provided for ordinary municipal taxes. As an <br />alternative method, the county tax collector, in his discretion, may collect the assessments without <br />reference to the general taxes, by issuing separate bills and receipts for the assessments. Laws relating <br />to the levy, collection, and enforcement of county taxes shall apply to such special assessment taxes. <br />(Code 1952, § 3842.9; Gird. No. NS-880, § 1, 6-5-67) <br />Sec.16.59. - Same —Correction of error. <br />(a) Any assessment erroneously made may be cancelled or reduced so as to correct any error, and the <br />tax paid on account thereof, not including any penalties or interest, may be refunded to the person <br />who paid the same, In accordance with the following procedure: <br />(1) A claim of error may be filed with the clerk of the council at any time before the expiration of <br />one year following April 10th of the tax year In which such assessment appears or would first <br />appear on the tax bill for the affected property. Such claim shall be in writing, in such form and <br />detail as shall be required by the clerk of the council, and shall be verified; <br />(2) Any claim filed shall be forwarded to the city public works director for review and report to the <br />city finance director, If the city public works director shall determine that such assessment was <br />erroneously made, In whole or in part, the city finance director shall request the county board of <br />supervisors to direct the county auditor -controller to correct the tax rolls as to the affected <br />property by removing or reducing the erroneous assessment, and the direction of the city <br />finance director shall be authority for the auditor -controller so to correct the tax rolls. If such <br />assessment shall have been paid, the part determined to be erroneously levied shalt be <br />refunded to the person who paid the same, by the city finance director. In lieu of proof <br />otherwise, the city finance director may presume that the persons to whom the abatement cost <br />was assessed were the persons who paid the some; <br />(3) Any claimant whose claim Is not favorably acted upon in whole or in part within sixty (60) days <br />after the filing of the same, or whose claim is denied. In whole or in part in writing, by the city <br />finance director, may, within ten (10) days after such denial or after the expiration of such <br />period, appeal such denial or failure to act favorably to the city council pursuant to Chapter 3 of <br />the Santa Ana Municipal Code; <br />(4) If the city council shall find the disputed assessment to be erroneous in whole or in part it may <br />direct the city finance director to correct the assessment accordingly, to cause the tax rolls to be <br />corrected, and to make a refund of any portion of the assessment paid, all in the manner as <br />hersinabove provided for such corrections and refunds; <br />(5) Not later than thirty (30) days after the correction of any assessment or refund of any monies <br />hereinunder, except by direction of the city council, the city finance director shall transmit to the <br />CRY ootmcil a report of such action, together with the report of the city public works director. <br />75B-47 <br />
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