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EXHIBIT 1 <br />submittal of documents to City shall constitute approval of the documents by City (on design <br />but not for purposes of any required submissions for discretionary approvals, permits, <br />entitlements, and similar approvals legally required from City as a public entity approving or <br />denying said Significant Improvements. Within 30 days after service on District of the written <br />notice of City's objections, District may deliver corrective amendments to the documents to <br />City and City shall, within 30 days after receiving the corrective amendments, serve written <br />notice on District of City's approval or rejection of the documents as so amended. Failure of <br />City to serve written notice on District within that 30 day period after receipt of the corrective <br />amendments shall constitute approval by City of the documents as so amended. <br />Changes in Plans <br />Section 5.07. After approval by City of the documents pertaining to the Significant <br />Improvements described in Section 5.02 of this lease, any substantial change in the plans or <br />specifications for the Significant Improvements shall be approved by the City. For purposes of <br />this Section, "substantial change" means one that materially changes the exterior appearance <br />of the significant improvements or one that results in a decrease in construction costs of 25%or <br />more. City's failure to given written notice to District of any objections City may have to any <br />proposed changes within 30 days after a written statement if the proposed changes has been <br />given to City by District shall constitute City's approval of the changers. Minor changes in work <br />or materials not constituting a substantial change need not be approved by City but a copy of <br />the altered plans and specifications reflecting those changes shall be given to City. <br />All Work on Written Contract <br />Section 5.08. All work required in the construction of the Significant Improvements, <br />including any site preparation work, landscaping work, and utility installation work, as well as <br />actual construction work on the significant improvement, shall be performed only by <br />competent contactors licensed under the laws of the State of California and shall be performed <br />in accordance with written contracts with those contractors. Each such contract shall provide <br />that the final payment under the contract due to the contractor shall be in an amount equaling <br />at least five percent (5%) of the full amount payable under the contract and shall be paid to <br />contractor (subject to the District's right to withhold disputed amounts) not later than sixty <br />(60) days after the date of completion. <br />Performance and Lien Bonds <br />Section 5.09. Each contractor engaged by District to perform any services for <br />construction of the Significant Improvement including any construction, site preparation, utility <br />installation, landscaping, or parking lot construction services, shall furnish to District, who shall <br />deliver copies of both of the following to City, at the contractor's own expense at the time of <br />entering a contract with District for those services: <br />#iznazVz <br />75B-11 <br />