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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Requirement of City's Written Approval <br />Section 5.04. No structure or improvement of any kind shall be constructed on the <br />Premises unless and until the plans, specifications, and proposed location of that structure or <br />improvement has been approved in writing by City. Furthermore, no structure or other <br />improvement shall be constructed on the Premises that does not comply with plans, <br />specifications and locations approved in writing by City. <br />Preparation and Submission of Plans <br />Section 5.05. District shall, at District's own cost and expense, engage a licensed <br />architect or engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the Significant Improvements: <br />a) District shall submit the following to City for approval by the date which is the <br />later of (i) five (5) years after the commencement of this lease or (ii) three (3) <br />years after approval by the National Parks Services of the land conversion <br />identified in Section 3.01 above: <br />1. Two copies of drawings and materials in the form of plans, elevations, <br />sections and rendered perspectives sufficient to convey the architectural <br />design of the significant improvements to City. <br />2. Two copies of the estimated construction costs for the significant <br />improvements prepared by the engaged architect or engineer. <br />b) Within 30 days after approval by City of the items specified in subsection a) of <br />this Section and the obtaining by District of any discretionary approvals required <br />for the Significant Improvements, District shall provide two copies of the <br />following to City: <br />1. Detailed working drawings, plans and specifications for the significant <br />improvements; and <br />2. A revised statement of estimated construction costs for the significant <br />improvements prepared by the engaged architect or engineer. <br />City's Approval or Rejection of Plans <br />Section 5.06. Within 30 days after receipt by City of any documents submitted to City <br />for approval under Section 5.05 of this lease, City shall either approve those documents or City <br />shall give written notice to District of any objections City may have to those documents. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City acknowledges that both the design and the manner of <br />construction of classrooms and other community college facilities is governed by The Field Act <br />(as codified in the California Education Code) and is subject to approval by the California <br />Department of General Services' Division of the State Architect ("DSA"); the City agrees that it <br />shall not disapprove any design element or construction specifications which are required by <br />the Field Act or the DSA. City's failure to given written notice to District within 30 days of <br />#iznazVz <br />75B-10 <br />