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4.8 Nolse <br />Nolse Exposure (dBA, CNEL) <br />Land Use Cafeaory 55 60 65 70 75 80 <br />Office Buildings, Business, Commercial and Professional <br />Industrial, Manufacturing, Utilities, Agriculture <br />Normally Acceptable: Specified land use is satisfactory, based upon the assumption that any buildings involved <br />are of normal conventional construction without any special noise insulation requirements. <br />Conditionally Acceptable: New construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis <br />of the noise reduction requirements is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. <br />Conventional construction, but closed windows and fresh air supply or air conditioning will normally suffice. <br />Normally Unacceptable: New construction or development should generally be discouraged. If new construction <br />or development does proceed, a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements must be made and needed <br />noise insulation features included in the design. <br />Clearly Unacceptable: New construction or development should generally not be undertaken. <br />SOURCE: Office of Noise Control, California Department of Healfh Services. <br />Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations requires performing acoustical studies before constructing <br />dwelling units in areas that exceed 60 dBA L,,. In addition, the California Noise Insulation Standards <br />identify an interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL for new multi -family residential units. <br />Local <br />City of Santa Ana General Plan <br />Noise Element <br />The Noise Element of the General Plan identifies sources of noise in the City and provides objectives <br />and policies that ensure that noise from various sources would not create an unacceptable noise <br />environment. It is a tool that City planners use to achieve and maintain land uses with compatible <br />environmental noise levels. As shown in Table 4.8-6 (City of Santa Ana Standards and Guidelines for <br />Noise Levels by Land Use), the City has established the following standards and guidelines for noise <br />levels for land use. <br />City of Santa Ana Transit Zoning Code (SD Wand SD 84B) EIR 4.8-13 <br />