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City Council (2004 - Present)
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10/14/2019 12:51:59 PM
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Chapter 4 Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures <br />Section 18-313 of the Municipal Code establishes interior noise standards that apply to all residential <br />properties within the designation Noise Zone 1. Interior noise levels must not exceed 55 dBA between <br />the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. or 45 dBA between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M., as shown <br />in Table 4.8-8 (City of Santa Ana Noise Ordinance Interior Noise Standards). As with Section 18-312 of <br />the Municipal Code, if the ambient noise level is greater than the identified noise standards, the noise <br />standard becomes the ambient noise level without the offending noise. <br />Noise Level That May Not Be <br />Exceeded for More Than <br />7:00 A.M._10:00 P.M. <br />10:00 P.m,7.,00 A.M. <br />5 minutes in any hour <br />55 dBA <br />45 dBA <br />1 minute in any hour <br />60 dBA <br />50 dBA <br />Any time <br />65 dBA <br />55 dBA <br />SOURCE: City of Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 18-312 <br />Interior noise measurements shall be made within the affected dwelling unit. The measurement shall be made at a point of least <br />four (4) feet from the wall, ceiling, or floor nearest the alleged offensive noise source and may be made with the windows of the <br />affected unit open. In the event the alleged offensive noise consists entirely of impact noise, simple tone noise, speech, music, or <br />any combination thereof, each of the above noise levels shall be reduced by five (5) dB(A). <br />Section 18-314 of the Noise Ordinance provides special provisions which exempt certain activities from <br />the standards established in the Noise Ordinance. As such, the following activities are exempt: <br />■ Activities conducted on the grounds of any public or private nursery, elementary, intermediate or <br />secondary school or college <br />■ Outdoor gatherings, public dances and shows, provided said events are conducted pursuant to a <br />license issued by the City of Santa Ana <br />■ Activities conducted on any park or playground, provided such park or playground is owned and <br />operated by a public entity <br />■ Any mechanical device, apparatus or equipment used, related to or connected with emergency <br />machinery, vehicle or work <br />■ Noise sources associated with construction, repair, remodeling, or grading of any real property, <br />provided said activities do not take place between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. on <br />weekdays, including Saturday, or any time on Sunday or a federal holiday <br />m All mechanical devices, apparatus or equipment which are utilized for the protection or salvage of <br />agricultural crops during periods of potential or actual frost damage or other adverse weather <br />condition <br />■ Mobile noise sources associated with agricultural operations, provided such operations do not take <br />place between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any time <br />on Sunday or a federal holiday <br />■ Mobile noise sources associated with agricultural pest control through pesticide application, <br />provided that the application is made in accordance with restricted material permits issued by or <br />regulations enforced by the agricultural commissioner <br />4.8-16 City of Santa Ana Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 84B) EIR <br />
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