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4.8 Nolse <br />Consistency Analysis <br />As described under Impact 4.8-1, construction -related noise could negatively affect nearby sensitive <br />receptors. However, with the implementation of mitigation measures MM4.8-1 though MM4.8-4, <br />construction -related noise would be reduced. Sources of noise generated by implementation of the <br />proposed project would include new stationary sources (such as rooftop heating, ventilation, and air <br />conditioning [HVAC] systems for the residential and office uses). As discussed under Impact 4.8-2, these <br />noise sources have the potential to impact sensitive uses located both on- and off -site. Mitigation <br />measures MM4.8-5 though MM4.8-7 would reduce exterior noise levels affecting nearby sensitive uses to <br />below the exterior noise standard of 65 dBA CNEL. The primary source of noise in the vicinity of the <br />proposed project is traffic noise. As discussed in Impact 4.8-7, traffic generated by the proposed project <br />would generate noise along nearby road segments; however, the increase attributed to the proposed <br />project would not be substantial and would not affect nearby sensitive uses both on- and off -site. <br />However, portions of the Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 8413) area are located within close <br />proximity to the SARTC and the AT&SF rail line. As discussed in Impact 4.8-8, sensitive receptors may <br />be exposed to noise levels from trains in excess of the desired exterior noise standard of 65 dBA CNEL <br />and interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL. Implementation of mitigation measures outlined below <br />would reduce noise levels but below the standards set by the City. For the reasons listed above, the <br />proposed project is not consistent with Goal 1. <br />City of Santa Ana Municipal Code <br />The City of Santa Ana has also adopted a Noise Ordinance (Chapter 18, Article VI of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code), which identifies exterior noise standards, specific noise restrictions, exemptions, and <br />variances for sources of noise within the City. Section 18-311 of the Municipal Code designates the entire <br />City as Noise Zone 1 for exterior and interior noises. Section 18-312 of the Municipal Code establishes <br />exterior noise levels for residential land uses. The exterior noise standards established in the City's Noise <br />Ordinance are identified in Table 4.8-7 (City of Santa Ana Noise Ordinance Exterior Noise Standards). If <br />the ambient noise level is greater than the identified noise standards, the noise standard becomes the <br />ambient noise level without the offending noise. <br />TableOrdinance <br />Noise Level That May Not Be <br />Exceeded for More Than <br />Exterior <br />7:00 A.M.-10.*00 P.M. <br />N 6ise Stanclardi <br />10:00 P.M: 7.00 A.M. <br />30 minutes in any hour <br />55 dBA <br />50 dBA <br />15 minutes in any hour <br />60 dBA <br />55 dBA <br />5 minutes in any hour <br />65 dBA <br />60 dBA <br />1 minute in any hour <br />70 dBA <br />65 dBA <br />Any time <br />75 dBA <br />70 dBA <br />SOURCE: City of Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 18-312 <br />In the event that the alleged offensive noise consists entirely of Impact noise, simple tone noise, speech, music or cry combination <br />thereof, the specified noise limits are reduced by 5 dB(A) <br />City of Santa Ana Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 84B) EIR 4.815 <br />