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TABLE 3 <br />STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND <br />CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GAS TAX FUND <br />For the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015, through June 30, 2019 <br />2015 <br />20161'1 <br />2017 <br />2019 <br />2019(2x5) <br />Revenues: <br />Intergovemmen[afn <br />$ 8,985,866 <br />$ 6,948,645 <br />$ 6,601,023 <br />$ 9,159,380 <br />$13,118,218 <br />Investment income (loss) <br />166,455 <br />327,947 <br />(21,420) <br />16,153 <br />746,878 <br />Cost recoveries <br />681 <br />7,271 <br />14,484 <br />Total revenues <br />$ 9,152,321 <br />$ 7,277,273 <br />$ 6,579,603 <br />$ 9,182,804 <br />$13,879,580 <br />Expenditures: <br />Current: <br />Public works <br />$ 2,765,637 <br />$ 2,747,987 <br />$ 2,174,397 <br />$ 2,667,797 <br />$ 1,581,394 <br />Capital Outlay <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />6,278 <br />- <br />Deb[ Service: <br />Principal <br />1,325,000 <br />1,380,000 <br />1,450,000 <br />1,525,000 <br />1,600,000 <br />Interest and fiscal charges <br />2,857,681 <br />2,794,681 <br />2,723,931 <br />2,649,556 <br />2,574,431 <br />Total expenditures <br />$ 6,948,318 <br />$ 6,922,668 <br />$ 6,348,328 <br />$ 6,848,631 <br />$ 5,755,825 <br />Excess (deficiency) of revenues <br />over (under) expenditmes <br />$ 2 204 003 <br />$ 354 605 <br />$ 231,275 <br />$ 2334 173 <br />$ 8 123.755 <br />Other financing sources (uses): <br />Transfers in <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />Transfers oriff <br />($ 4,688,482) <br />($ 6,038,247) <br />IS 353,778) <br />($ 792,016) <br />IS 1,717,906) <br />Issuance of deb[ <br />Total other financing sources (uses) <br />($ 4.688.482) <br />($ 6,038,247) <br />($ 353,778) <br />is 792,016) <br />($ 1,717,906) <br />Net change in fund balances <br />IS 2,484,479) <br />IS 5,683,642) <br />IS 122,503) <br />$ 1,542,157 <br />$ 6,405,849 <br />Fund balances - beginning <br />$24 65% 705 <br />$23 026 686 <br />$17 343 044 <br />$17 220 541 <br />$18 762 698 <br />Fund balances - ending <br />$22.174.226 <br />$17,343,044 <br />$17,220,541 <br />$18,762,698 <br />SZL 68.547 <br />1O Prior period adjustment increased revenue and is attributable to accrual of gas tax received within revenue accrual period for 2015. <br />(2) Intergovernmental Revenues do not match the[otal Gas Tax Revenues reported in Table l above due to the inchrsion of Section2103 and Section2107.5 <br />Revenues, which are not pledged to the payment of the Bonds. <br />(l) Includes revenues received pursuant to Section 2107.5 of the California Streets and Highways code and revenues received from the Road Maintenance <br />and Rehabilitation Act of California Streets and Highways Code Section 2030 et seq. <br />(4) Transfers out to Capital Improvement Fund for construction. <br />(5) Unaudited. <br />Source: City of Santa Ana Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports for the applicable periods. <br />Historical and Projected Gas Tax Revenues - The following table presents the historical and projected <br />Gas Tax Revenues as prepared by the City. The projections are based upon current circumstances and available <br />information that the City believes to be reasonable. The assumptions may be affected by numerous factors and <br />there can be no assurance that such projections will be achieved. <br />TABLE 4 <br />HISTORICAL AND PROJECTED GAS TAX REVENUES <br />AND DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GAS TAX FUND <br />For Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 20[ ], through June 30, 201 j <br />Historical Gas Projected Gas Debt Service <br />FiscalYear Tax Revenues Tax Revenues Debt Service Coverage <br />BOND OWNERS' RISKS <br />The following describes certain special considerations and risk factors affecting the payment of and <br />security for the Bonds. The following discussion is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the risks associated with <br />553100 <br />