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Gas Tax Fund Financial Statements -The following tables present the Balance Sheet and the Statement <br />of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances relating to the City's Gas Tax Fund for the fiscal years <br />ended June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2019. <br />TABLE 2 <br />BALANCESHEET <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GAS TAX FUND <br />For the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015, through June 30, 2019 <br />2015 <br />2016 <br />2017 <br />2018 <br />2019tr1 <br />ASSETS <br />Cash and investments <br />$13,594,607 <br />$ 12,613,302 <br />$ 12,464,106 <br />$ 13,149,169 <br />$19,320,228 <br />Receivables, net of allowances: <br />Taxes <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />Interest <br />11,784 <br />16,916 <br />40,458 <br />59,726 <br />78,238 <br />Intergovernmental <br />10,000 <br />524,218 <br />587201 <br />1,248,705 <br />1,617,175 <br />Restricted assets: <br />Cash and investments <br />4,656,231 <br />304,302 <br />118,140 <br />155,696 <br />- <br />Cash and investments with fiscal agents <br />4,212,789 <br />4,213,039 <br />4,217,738 <br />4,254,993 <br />4,335,179 <br />Total assets <br />122485.411 <br />$17,671,777 <br />$17A27.643 <br />$18,868289 <br />$25.350.820 <br />LIA]MIITIES <br />Accounts payable <br />$ 311,185 <br />$ 328,733 <br />$ 191,519 <br />$ 80,495 <br />$ 149,638 <br />Total liabilities <br />$ 311,185 <br />$ 328,733 <br />$ 191,519 <br />$ 80,495 <br />$ 149,638 <br />Deferred inflows of resources: <br />Unavailable revenues <br />- <br />- <br />15,583 <br />25,096 <br />32,635 <br />Fund balances: <br />Restricted <br />22,174,226 <br />17,343,044 <br />17,220,541 <br />18,762,698 <br />25,168,547 <br />Total fund balances <br />$22,174,226 <br />$17,343,044 <br />$17220,541 <br />$18762698 <br />$25,168,547 <br />Total liabilities, deferred inflows <br />of resources, and fund balances <br />$22A85.411 <br />$17,671,777 <br />$17A27.643 <br />$18,868289 <br />$25.350.820 <br />m Unaudited. <br />Source: City of Santa Ana Comprehensive Annual <br />Financial Reports <br />for the applicable periods. <br />554-99 <br />