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Vocational Rehabilitation). Each career pathway will include case management, job <br />development, and placement and retention services. The co -enrolled and Chapter 31 <br />veterans will have additional training opportunities through the ITA funds as well as <br />through VA approved training funds. <br />Once a veteran or the eligible spouse obtains employment, we continue to follow up <br />with him/her 30, 60 and 90 days after employment via personal visit, telephone contact <br />and email. Following successful retention our outreach specialists reach out to every <br />veteran one time a year personally to assess progress and current needs. Additionally <br />we continue engagement with the veteran, if desired, to attend the Veterans Business <br />Network and Career Pathways seminars. <br />��./. VVIVM VVVCI IIVI J -J I JGICLIVIIQ I Y QI IU IVIQ LIaI rUI Iuo <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />TCVS is funded through multiple funding sources to maximize our sustainability and <br />impact on our community. Goodwill of Orange County's proposed project emphasizes <br />the need for high level community engagement in order to develop strategic <br />partnerships with potential employers and funders. The current project will be matched <br />by funding from the Orange County Community Foundation ($114,000), Santa Ana <br />Area Board and AJCC ($60,000), and two donor directed funds totaling $175,000 <br />Veterans Rehabilitation and Employment funding ($250,000) which supports the <br />Mission Employment classes and vocational assessments, Additionally, budgeted <br />private grant funding through Bank of America, Boeing, Edison, and donor directed <br />funding ($200,000) will collectively surpass the match required for the current project. <br />The WIOA Governor's Discretionary funds will primarily be spent on employee wages <br />and benefits, due to the level of individualized services being offered. $80,000 will be <br />budgeted for training and OJT's. Our partnership with the Santa Ana Area Board will <br />require $75,000 in the funding to be earmarked for staffing and assessments at the <br />AJCC. The leveraged resources will also provide training dollars through the AJCC's <br />and qualifying Chapter 31 approved training programs. <br />111.8. Project Work Plan <br />Please review SFP Form 1. Upon completion of signing contracts and agreements <br />between partners, Goodwill along with partners, Santa Ana AJCC and EDD, will begin <br />outreach and recruitment activities for both veterans and employers. Upon assessment <br />and enrollment a clear career pathway will be established and training needs <br />determined. Training will be provided by approved training programs through the <br />AJCC's as well as the training programs offered through TCVS. Upon completion of <br />training, staff will offer positive recruitment and networking opportunities to begin <br />placing veterans and eligible spouses into employment. Retention and continued <br />outreach and support are offered at 30, 60, 90, 180 days and one year of employment. <br />2807/099999 2489 <br />11276904.2 a10/31/19 -33- <br />