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. Please adapt the format of the upcoming Council Meeting on this agenda item to allow opponents, as well as the <br />developer, Planning Department, and other proponents, a fair opportunity to be heardl. Specifically, I request <br />that you authorize for all who ask: <br />use of the City or private overhead projector or other audio-visual equipment to present information; <br />• donation of individual 2 minute speaker time to representative speakers so they may speak for 10 or <br />more minutes without interruption; and <br />organization of speakers into groups to allow the coherent presentation of each group's position and <br />supporting information.2 <br />These adaptations should be available to the North Santa Ana Preservation Alliance (NSAPA), <br />neighborhood associations, other organizations such as labor unions, as well as other individual speakers on both sides <br />of the issue. I believe these adaptations are essential to allow those on both sides of this complex and contentious issue <br />to be fairly heard, present their ideas and information effectively, and develop a complete and accurate record on which <br />you may base a reasoned and impartial decision. With due respect, I have found the Council's manner of considering the <br />merits of the 2525 Main Street development so far to be exhausting, largely uninformative, and, at times, just plain <br />unfair. These requests have already been made by various constituents to the Council Chair, City Attorney, Clerk, and/or <br />City Manager. Please notify the public as soon as these procedures are put in place so that all will have the opportunity to <br />adequately prepare before the Council Meeting next week. <br />Reasons for Opposition to Current Project/Support for Responsible Development <br />The changes made in this project since the last time the Council considered it are not substantial. Significant problems <br />with this project remain. The people of Santa Ana do not need to settle for this misplaced, high density, outsized housing <br />project. It is not necessary or helpful to your constituents, including those in need of affordable housing, to crowd this <br />space with too many apartment units. The real mistake is abandoning our City's General Plan and haphazardly rezoning <br />piecemeal based on the wants of an individual developer rather than a coherent appraisal of what is in the best interests <br />of the City of Santa Ana. <br />I would like to seek a project for this property that will enhance the cultural uses of the property's neighbors on the North <br />Main Street corridor the revitalized and transformed Main Street Mall, the Bowers Museum, the Santiago Park green <br />spaces, and the Discovery Science Center. This portion of North Main Street should be developed as a premier <br />business location that is part of the exciting and inviting entry to our City already underway, that can be used and enjoyed <br />by all in our City. <br />I greatly appreciate and strongly support the attraction of new development to our City but believe that the adjusted record <br />at 2525 Main Street shows that the financial benefit to the City by this developer in terms of new general fund revenue will <br />be significantly less than originally anticipated. and will not justify the very real harm that the ill conceived and poorly <br />placed development will do to our City. <br />Conclusion <br />In conclusion, I am an individual voter, and home owner who for over twenty years has lived less than a mile away from <br />this proposed development in a neighborhood that will be severely and irreversibly damaged by the decision to <br />rezone and overbuild this parcel of land. I ask you to act in the best interests not only of the surrounding neighborhoods, <br />and of Ward 3, but of our entire City. Together, we can do better. Think of the City's future. Safeguard the fairness, <br />transparency, and integrity of the development review and approval process. Adopt a Council meeting format that is fair <br />to all because it permits the coherent and efficient presentation of the information you need to make a reasoned decision <br />about this matter. Continue to require complete and sound answers to the many important outstanding questions you <br />and your constituents have asked about this proposal. Vote against these resolutions and against this development. <br />Thank you for your service to our City. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Mrs. Ellen Koldewey <br />Santa Ana CA 92706 <br />714 785-8029/542-2122 <br />1 As a Ward 3 voter, I rely on Councilmember Solorio and other public officials who have compared the City Council <br />meeting to an evidentiary hearing and stated that the Council's decision is "quasi judicial" in nature. As Councilmember <br />Solorio recently wrote, "I've mentioned this before online and in different neighborhood meetings, but because project <br />