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o PC 832 <br />o Basic Module (SCACEO/CACEO) <br />o Accessibility Inspector/Plans Eximuner <br />o Permit Technician <br />o Coastal and Floodplain Construction Inspector <br />o Disaster Response Inspector <br />If an incumbent has already completed both the SCACEO/CACEO Intermediate <br />and the SCACEO/CACEO Advanced certifications, upon completion of any other <br />four (4) certificates from the menu above, said employee shall be eligible to receive <br />the additional five (5) salary rate ranges (approximately two and one-half percent <br />(2.5%) total) pay additive for the Intermediate/Advanced certifications. <br />In no event shall the expansion of current certificate pay opportunities result in an <br />employee being eligible to earn more than twenty-five (25) salary rate ranges <br />(approximately twelve and one-half percent (12.5%)) in pay additives for Career <br />Development Incentives above his/her then current base monthly salary step. <br />E. An incumbent in one of the classifications listed below who possesses a valid <br />certificate issued by the ICBO (or similar nationally recognized certificating <br />organization) in the areas of reinforced concrete, structural masonry, structural <br />steel/welding, electrical inspection, plumbing inspection, plans examiner, or C27 <br />landscape contractors license, shall be paid an incentive pay differential at a rate <br />set above his/her then current base monthly salary step in accordance with the <br />following schedule: One (1) certificate from one specialty area: five (5) salary rate <br />ranges (approximately two and one-half percent (2.5%)); an additional certificate <br />from a second specialty area (total of two (2)): ten (10) salary rate ranges <br />(approximately five percent (5.0%)); an additional certificate from a third specialty <br />area (total of three (3)): fifteen (15) salary rate ranges (approximately seven and <br />one-half percent (7.5%)); an additional certificate from a fourth specialty area (total <br />of four (4)): twenty (20) salary rate ranges (approximately ten percent (10.0%)); <br />and an additional certificate from the fifth specialty area (total of five (5)): twenty- <br />five (25) salary rate ranges (approximately twelve and one-half percent (12.5%)). <br />o Construction Inspector <br />o Senior Construction Inspector <br />(This is a newly added classification, which is still subject to the eligibility <br />limitations in Section 5.10 below) <br />F. An incumbent in the classification listed below who possess a valid certificate <br />issued by the ICBO (or similar nationally recognized certificating organization) in <br />the areas of plumbing inspection, electrical inspection, plans examiner, C27 <br />landscape contractors license, turf grass management, or certified arborist by the <br />International Society of Arboriculture (1SA), shall be paid an incentive pay <br />differential at a rate set above his/her then current base monthly salary step in <br />accordance with the following schedule: One (1) certificate from one specialty area: <br />five (5) salary rate ranges (approximately two and one-half percent (2.5%)); an <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SEIU Full -Time Employees Unit Page 34 <br />