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additional certificate from a second specialty area (total of two (2)): ten (10) salary <br />rate ranges (approximately five percent (5.0%)); an additional certificate from a <br />third specialty area (total of three (3)): fifteen (15) salary rate ranges <br />(approximately seven and one-half percent (7.5%)); an additional certificate from <br />a fourth specialty area (total of four (4)): twenty (20) salary rate ranges <br />(approximately ten percent (10.0"/0)); and an additional certificate from the fifth <br />specialty area (total of five (5)): twenty-five (25) salary rate ranges (approximately <br />twelve and one-half percent (12.5%)). <br />o Contracts Administrator <br />C. An incumbent in one of the classifications listed below who possesses a valid <br />certificate issued by the ISA as a certified arborist shall be paid at a rate of set five <br />(5) salary rate ranges (approximately two and one-half percent (2.5%)) above <br />his/her then current base monthly salary step. <br />o Projects Manager <br />o Tree Maintenance Supervisor <br />o Tree Trimmer <br />o Maintenance Worker 11(assigned to the tree crew) <br />o Pubfic Works Projects Specialist <br />H. An incumbent in the classification listed below who possesses a valid certificate <br />issued by the ISA as a certified Tree Worker shall be paid at a rate of set five (5) <br />salary rate ranges (approximately two and one-half percent (2.50/0)) above his/her <br />then current base monthly salary step. <br />o Maintenance Worker II (assigned to the tree crew) <br />5.10 Limitation on Career Development Incentive Pay <br />A. With the exception of the employee classifications listed in Subsection 5.10(B), <br />employees already receiving career development incentive pay under Section 5.9 <br />prior to June 30, 2012 and who continue to meet the qualifications described in the <br />applicable career development incentive pay provisions of Section 5.9 shall <br />continue to receive said pay under the current career development incentive pay <br />formulas. Employees who did not receive career development pay prior to the June <br />30, 2012 shall not be eligible to receive it. <br />B. The employee classifications listed below and already receiving career <br />development incentive pay under Section 5.9 prior to June 30, 2013 and who <br />continue to meet the qualifications described in the applicable career development <br />incentive pay provisions of Section 5.9 shall continue to receive said pay under the <br />current career development incentive pay formulas. Employees in the <br />classifications listed herein below who have not received career development pay <br />prior to the June 30, 2013 will not thereafter be eligible to receive it. <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SElU Full -Time Employees Unit Page 35 c <br />