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ARTICLE Vl <br />6.0 OVERTIME <br />6.1 General Policy for Overtime Work <br />When it shall be determined to be in the public interest for employees to perform overtime <br />work, or in an emergency situation, the City Manager, the Department Head, or a duly <br />authorized designee, may require an employee to perform overtime work. Employees are <br />required to obtain supervisor authorization before working overtime. <br />6.2 Definition <br />A. Overtime work is defined as authorized or required time worked in excess of forty <br />(40) hours in the workweek schedule of an employee. <br />B. A workweek is a fixed and regularly recurring period of one hundred and sixty- <br />eight (168) consecutive hours, consisting of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) <br />hour periods. <br />C. The workweek for each employee is designated by the appointing authority. An <br />employee's work schedule within the workweek shall not be changed for the <br />purpose of avoiding payment of overtime; however, nothing shall abridge <br />management's right to establish and change work schedules and assignments in <br />accordance with Article XVIII - City Rights. <br />6.3 Computation of Forty (40) Hour Workweek <br />In computing the forty (40) hour workweek, the following type of work hours in a paid <br />status shall be included in the computation: <br />• Actual hours worked <br />• Jury/witness leave <br />• Bereavement leave <br />Any combination of the hours in this section, in excess of forty (40) hours per workweek, <br />shall entitle the employee to overtime. <br />Any paid time off during the workweek for vacation Ieave, sick leave, holiday leave, <br />Chapter Chair/President's Leave, Union Business Leave, and all unpaid leave (including <br />furlough days) shall not be counted towards the hours worked in a workweek for the <br />computation of payment for overtime, unless the hours in excess of forty (40) hours in a <br />workweek (including the above listed time) are worked by the employee at the requirement <br />of his/her supervisor or by management. <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SEW Full -Time Employees Unit Page 38 <br />`� �lq <br />