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o Correctional Records <br />o Fleet Services Divisions <br />Employees on a 9/80 work schedule. <br />If any employee working in the above referenced categories separates from <br />employment prior to December 31" of any year and has exhausted hours of holiday <br />time (listed in Section 8.1) over their annual accrual, the value ofhours not yet accrued <br />but used shall be deducted from the final paycheck. <br />3. Said substitute holidays may be scheduled by the Department Head or his/her designee, <br />normally during the same month that the holiday is observed by other City employees. <br />An employee entitled to time off in lieu of holidays shall receive that time off in <br />proportion to his/her service at full pay in such capacity during the year. <br />8.3 Modified Holiday Schedule - Library Employees <br />Full-time employees assigned to the Library Department shall, during the term of this <br />MOU, observe holidays on the datesspecified ted in Section 8.1 above. <br />8.4 RetEuirements <br />A. Employees, including those separating from service, must be in a paid status on <br />their workday both preceding the holiday and after the holiday in order to receive <br />pay or credit for the holidays provided in Section 8.1 above. <br />B. A newly appointed employee must complete six (6) months of continuous full-time <br />service in order to earn the Floating Holiday listed in Section 8.1 above. Such <br />employees can then use the Floating Holiday as early as the pay period following <br />the completion of six (6) months in a paid status. <br />8.5 Use of Holiday Time <br />Holiday time may be taken in increments of one-half (0.5) hour, <br />8.6 Maximum Accumulation of Holidav <br />Holiday benefits may not be carried over from one (1) calendar year to the next. If an <br />employee has any holiday leave remaining at the end of the calendar year it will be forfeited <br />at the end of that calendar year. <br />8.7 Winter Holidav Closure <br />A. Mandatory Closure <br />City Hall and all other City departments (with the exception of the Police <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SEIU Full -Time Employees Unit Page 46 <br />lJ'�,r1 <br />