<br />protocols that provide direct support and referrals for transportation, clothes, uniforms, tools, and other necessities
<br />and referrals for housing, substance abuse and mental health services as necessary. Other system partners, such as
<br />OCCCP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), CalFresh, OC Child Support, TANF and Adult
<br />Education Block Grant (AEGB), and a cadre of CBO's also provide resources to leverage and braid to meet the
<br />clients' needs.
<br />2. Describe how funds provided through this initiative will complement the work of, and integrate the
<br />individuals being served with, the broader workforce, education and employment system within the proposed
<br />service area, and evidence that the proposal incorporates innovative strategies or proven practices for service
<br />delivery that will lead to improved outcomes, sustainability, and systems improvement.
<br />Thru its One Stops and partners, the ORPU can braid its experience in the broader workforce, education and
<br />employment system which will lead to greater employment opportunities for the participants thru its connection to
<br />employers, career planning case management and follow up, convening of business stakeholders and employers,
<br />industry focused research/industry roundtables, customized employer -driven training projects and published
<br />research on labor/workforce demands.
<br />3. Describe how regional partnerships to serve the formerly incarcerated will interface with existing regional
<br />sector pathways efforts described in existing W1OA regional plans and how information on priority industry
<br />sectors and occupations will be provided to partners.
<br />The ORPU participates in regional employer stakeholder forums in high growth industries and holds forums for
<br />specialty occupational demands. The top three industry sectors that have been identified in the regional plan are
<br />also friendly to the former incarcerated participants. They are 1) Manufacturing, 2) Hospitality & Tourism, and 3)
<br />Construction. The ORPU convenes quarterly a OC Regional Economic and Workforce Development Network that
<br />serves as a mechanism to streamline communication, ongoing collaboration across systems enhance workforce and
<br />economic development, and support sector initiatives. Members include educators (K-12, Adult Ed, Community
<br />Colleges), workforce and economic development professionals, Dept. of Rehabilitation, Social Services Agency,
<br />and EDD. Sharing of research, data and region needs will support the efforts of serving the formerly incarcerated.
<br />4. Describe how regional partnerships to serve the formerly incarcerated will interface with existing CWDB
<br />grantees that serve this population, including Forward Focus, Workforce Accelerator Fund, and High Road
<br />Partnerships for Construction Careers grantees.
<br />We are incorporating best practices learned from LEAP 1, LEAP 2 and Supervised Population (post release) grants
<br />— the importance of co -location at probation and parole offices, quickly assessing work readiness and placement in
<br />a work experience, OJT and or education career training while also addressing barriers to success such as housing,
<br />substance abuse, transportation and family issues. We will coordinate with the community colleges that are working
<br />with inmates prior to release to prepare them for life outside of prison. We will work together to coordinate
<br />information and referral so as to have a better "hand off' upon release
<br />5. Develop resources to inform employers about AB 1008 Fair Chance Hiring, federal WOTC, California
<br />NETC, Federal Fidelity Bonding through EDD, information about CBO's and other organizations that
<br />provide job placement services for formerly incarcerated people, and the benefits of hiring formerly
<br />incarcerated people.
<br />The ORPU has written and electronic material(s) that summarize the various rules/hiring incentives available to
<br />area employers who do hire formerly incarcerated individuals. ORPU staff and staff of the various CBO's and
<br />other partners working with us to develop OJT's or direct placement will be trained on all the employer incentives
<br />so that they can educated area employers on how to access and use the incentives.
<br />6. Describe the process in which identification of and engagement with employers, industry sector partnerships,
<br />and labor-management partnerships who are willing to hire formerly incarcerated and justice -involved
<br />individuals, including those with felony convictions, and those who are currently under state or county
<br />supervision will occur.
<br />For this project the ORPU will leverage its Business Services team that works out of the respective comprehensive
<br />One Stop Centers to assist the Re-entry Navigators and CBO's to identify employers that are known to hire formerly
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<br />Prison to Employment Initiative Direct and Supportive Services Grant
<br />Orange Regional Planning Unit
<br />25G-48
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