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A-2019-234 <br />for the County o1' (hank shali main ;jurisdiction over the Parties, even taper dismissal of the. <br />Civil Attire, to tntforuc this Agreement urml perf;�rmanee in full of the terms llereof. In <br />fuallcr nice of this A�Lrccmcnt, all of the Parries herchy ioitsenl tO the jtttisdictian of said court <br />for that purpose without reed fur turther service of process other titan yrsvie crt their ecunse[, as <br />sec firth abavt:. <br />IL. The Parties afrec to csccute all mach further :tud additional documents as shall ilc <br />mawnable andiur itc,--Mkary to carry out tltc provisions of lhis Awcernrra• <br />i. 1'1tc Parties a&;knumdedge that they has•c beer, represemed by counsel in die <br />negl isricin and p,,elirratinn of Ibis Agreement that dtry have jead die Agmemcn;: that they azc <br />fully a.vam of its cnntenrs and of its legal c.$'l'eU: that the Ileceding Paragraphs i'ect:c the soli <br />cnrsideraiion for this Agreement that all agreements wad urdcrsrandinty hctwcen them are, <br />cinbodicd and exptesscd herein: and that LNt y entered uito this Agrecment lively, wiptuut <br />coercion, arid based an their owit judgmert and not ill reltance On arty' rcprescntutions or <br />promises other than ihmw voritained liet'ein., <br />j, 'Phis Agrecsncttt may blot erecLLr� d M any number of counter -puns , id by difr�rera <br />parfics hcrinw Ill 5,0j%12:Llc C;a unlerparls. wish 11'u• Berrie effect as If all Partti:s had Shnod the same <br />document. All mich counterparts shall he t'C%u ncd an uriginul, shall ba cnnslrued together and <br />Shall eons=.iauu, OWW are the saute ISIXI nr11Cn1. <br />k. link Peryrnl who exeetitt5 this Agreem%rt oil hchul't of 11w City wananis tttal. <br />shc.R:le has lull wuli+ority to eater irara this Aprce rlt and, il' opplicablc, the City %Rill ini?cnlnify <br />l°l: -110N and hold Plaintiffs harmless if that euthoriry is latex challenged. <br />PIXAS£ READ I AREF[1LI.Y. THIS SF..TTLEhMAT AGREF-MENT AND M1TI�'lTLT,1L. <br />itELEASE INCLUDES A RFI,F.A.SF OF AIA, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN <br />CLAIMS. <br />APPROVED AND A(CEPTED: <br />DATED: 7ct;c nbcr ":ip <br />7 '_G19 <br />DATED: Decembei%.20p) <br />DATED: Dcxrtiber , 3014 <br />Lan• 44ankr lIl k,ntiff <br />r� <br />`ly -- •� <br />._ <br />jai lFl [ ranlCS, Ptatmtlt <br />CITY OF S.AN]'A AN A <br />ley <br />istine Ridge, City Ma g6-r <br />City of Santa Ana <br />City - Initialed Laara Franks - tnitialcd John Fruiks - htiwilcd <br />eta A..utre i ATTEST. <br />�.i151YxE � I <br />CLERK OF THE COUNCIL <br />