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A-2019-234 <br />for the County of Grange shall miam jurisdiction over The Parties, ovt'n Brier dismissal of the <br />[:evil Action, to cttlarcx flu s Agreement until jaertermance in full of the tertrss hereof, in <br />fudietance of thus Agreentenl, all of the Parties its rclty cnrstnl to the it, indiction of said returr <br />for chat purpose withnut nc ej liar lurther scrvicc Oflirocess Other titan wrvice. am their counsel, as <br />wE mirth above. <br />h. The Parties aur" to execute Lill such fttrtlter shad addit,oul documents as shall he <br />re:awnahle and:'ur ttecu.;satry to defy out tltc pr[n into ns of this A.greerncm. <br />i. The Parties at knctwled;ge that they Piave been represented by counsel to die <br />negotiation and 11eeparati0a of Ibis ;Agreement; that they have read the Agmeerm-m- ihaa they are <br />pally a+vats Of IN ;ennerrts and of its legal c:i ct; that the imeee-ding Paragraphs recite tine: 6olr <br />ccntaiderntitara fear this :Agri�vment; Phut all agr�tmntctns ant! urdemandin , lhctwcen ilier, are <br />oribodicl and cxpre4sod herein; aria; Lila! the}• rntln'C'd Lilt[) this Agrceraceat ltevly, w•ithtaut <br />coercion, zind ba:scd on their awiiy judgttlent and nm in reliance on any representations or <br />promises Other [halt huse cmi.-tined herein. <br />j. 1-his Agreement may be executeel in tiny number of countetp irts, and by different <br />thirties herew ua sc taratc Cournerlaum, tail)] titc sarrc effect as if all Parties had eiF led the vamc <br />dticuirmit. ;All mwn comiNi-parts shall he t{vmcd an Original, sltall bc. Construed together and <br />sltall comwtattatr, orle Hilt, the sank insirurnt:tl. <br />it. The: Pumm who execute-.; this Ag*rccmenz on »eh*l cif tite City WHIT its tilaL <br />shaclkte teat; itzll autltarily to utter tn,o this A rCemc,a a yd. il` apts4tcable, the City ayslt tndt:r.anifi <br />Plaintiff; and hold Plaintiffs harrtticss if that suthrrrity is later rha lenged. <br />PLEASE READ CAREFULL.VTHIS SETTLEMENT A(.RF.E\ IE\'p AND iLL "I'tt'AL <br />RELEASE INCLUDES A RELEASE OF .SILL. KNOWN AND UNKNOWN <br />CLAIMS. <br />APPR()'►'L"0 ,?I\ n ACt',Ep,rFn; <br />DATED: December =Gin <br />PAT1,11): December .20P <br />DATED. DkIccrrthu 2 0 14v <br />Lei wmtf ; ll .tn(ill <br />1a 4 6 Frar:lu Plaintiff <br />(71 Y (OF SANTA AN A <br />SLIM C'amilho, City Alcorney <br />City file*.t led L a -ra FmA hutialal +- ': .rrjhn hart"- - Intl alcd <br />crr.+az;,xtr4 <br />rage <br />MIU M" , <br />