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A-2019-234 <br />n:l,-,tic, to PlaInfilTS a}r any actauu+ rrhuing diretzly or indirretly to any tran5$C11011, lirfarrs or <br />twcurrences hetw•ccn them to date, including, bill not limited la tsll l,mi, liability, damages, <br />Claims, ch:e es, caamplaints, 1 eman(U, and c atssc•s of action arising directly or indirwtly out of or <br />to any wary conn€etetE wv Eh the Action, ('itle Vll ni the Civil Rights Act of 1%4, 42 11.S.C. <br />4 21MOc et scx;., 44' U.S.C. 1981, the C'alifamlia and F nitcd States Consutuatem. the. California <br />Fair Cmploynmem and Housing :Act, Labor Code section 1102.5, anal 503 and 504 of the <br />Rehabilitation Act of 1973. the Anrericuns with Disabilities tact ttacludfng, scat not limited to, all <br />Llain's of unlawful hnraSSnlenl dscriminattun, riWiaiion, v`olmion of due process- 4krotlgful <br />tenwrcation to rialat!rtn of public policy, and any ios-i and cenitr+.t claim& and znY claims <br />ursuant to the Labor Cards. any elairms fol nvw npand ages, ownime pay. Vacation ?ray, misted <br />zest aitd total prrivais attnrrrt:Y figs, pcnaltirx, or u[lor.r Mims €cEatcd it:, r,tnli;tps at ice. Cfl'!'. <br />c, l:n consideration of the covenants, terms, and re ases provided by PlalntifT <br />pur,uant io this Agrtxn cot, including Patrytraphs 1011. l(b) and tit) above, ar,d the other <br />Nunsidcratiost stssted in this Agr smenl. the City kefc:a:ces hereby .agree, to irrcvacably, <br />cnenrditio ally, fully dad foievc r MUlase. acquit and dv3chargc P!aintlffw, the;9 ag+:res, attorneys, <br />ht7rs, axecutnr,, administrators persontal ", rrscatwis,es, succesams, erani#ezees, assigns and <br />leigal repnveserrtatives, past or ptesetg (hercinat'-,t lF collectively referred to as the '-Plaintiffs <br />Releawes `1 of and iron, any end al! actions cruses of actiml:,. suits, degas charges, complaints, <br />claims. balniftic , contracts, obfig4itions, pr'aanises, au- emcnti coliftwerr.+ies, losses, clmmngFs <br />and :-,spe,nscs (inc!udanl attorn:ys :cos and cost", aclliaaltt incurred), elf any narure rvh,rrsgever, <br />know-n or Unknown. susp.cted or claimed, li•<cd nr contmgtvi (!ta:rcina&I, call`tb chtirns"}, <br />Mhethef to tavv or at equity, twhi h thcy ever had, Rrotiv hays or may hecreaf@er acquire, by reason <br />vt any matter, pause, event or 11-ing vrhiagwo.ver occuring of arising ,t( any time hrtirrrs the <br />evecutinrr 4f this ,Apeernert. <br />4. NIVIAW. WAIVER OF' UNKNOWN CLAIMS <br />u. The 1 Wics underilantl acid Fri*rcc that they rnay }Cove stiglained tl;am�t_:x, lasses, <br />cants or expeiaees for t hich they rt yyht have n claitr„ flUll are r?rcycnllyarrLn nv n or a nSuwnrctai. <br />and tlral Such, damages, losses, a sin dRd Cx,'Wnses M-1Y give rise to additional dxim7 ,ts, lfti.ies, <br />caNL9 ar vxprneck in the futuic. 1t is specitica!ly acknota. Icdged by the parties that the foregoing <br />release has been agroed upon tsnd given in Iiflat Of such ('acts, and the Agreement is trnendcd tct <br />release the I'm ties fe:tnl pa,?etrt :il hahility for all such darlmbw , losses, cosy, Cant$ expenses. <br />b, In this cony emon lht Pattie, idersr!ard arld, ajace as part cot the indjucetncru for <br />the consideration givc." rrr this p'l ernanu that they =pc.:rEaetlls w aiwl, lice piravis!on'; orJection <br />1542 (>f the Cali c r;aa (ivi! C: dc, which rea4s as I`oltuws: u)d arty trthct state ar 1! if statute <br />or oommon law prrnciplc of snnifa.r ei`f ct; <br />(TtY Ixi&fe�/ L.atnw !-t;ttks - cots al al <br />tx�u;5.raxi?a <br />Win Ranks - Iritial <br />Psi - ao I <br />