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A-2019-234 <br />A GENFIlit, RFLEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO <br />CLAIMS WHICH THE: CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR <br />SUSPECT TE) EXIST 1V H1S OR IIFR FAVOR AT THE <br />TIME OF EXECU,IANG TIIE, RELEASE, WHICH 11; <br />KNOii^d Al' HIM OR JJER mus'r 11AVE MATERIALLY <br />AFFECTED HIS OR IIE:R SETTLEMENT WITII THE <br />11J ITOR. <br />S. WAIVER OF RIGHTS UNDER ACE, DISCRIMINATION M EMPl.irlVYiENT <br />.ACT OF 19&7: <br />a. Plaiwift c�p'ressfb ktscrulralgt. and tsr r c that, by ciacting into :his Agrecrncrlt, <br />hey are <br />wMv ns t.d r haring any ligth , or claims that thty rrrny have against the City .Ind <br />eech and all nI'thc= Cky Relt r,wwcs arising under the :'I_.c Discrimination iri I7.nrpluyuicnt Acx nf, <br />196y VAD 1"3•, as atmcndcd, +shich may flub: arncri an. or before Ilium. d rtc> nrt: ecutian ol'tlti, <br />Agymment by Pl;aunir fc, and thai Ellis vt•.aivcr and Muse is knrtwing and volbritary lalatsntifks <br />also expressly acknowledge Land n67ce that <br />i. In retum f'or this waiver at.d releaw, Plant:iifs ,&M reL: ive w.usisidcr.ttian, <br />ix.. something orvoluc, beyond chat to which triteswum already entitictk; <br />?i Plainuffis are hervbw advised in. )hemp. by tilts Agrc-mment to consult will, <br />all a1mr-ilc Y before- sw ng this greemcm; <br />li:. ik'hcn Beta a -oQpy Of this Agmc-mcnt, Ptainiifis arc nforned by tha <br />vvritirb Arai thc,y hav'c twenty-one (21) daps within wllmh to r orlsitt, this <br />Agreement; <br />iv Plailuift:s are inturnted by this w-Ming that lhcv. have seven (7) days <br />lblimwing their cxaculion of this Agrccmcm in ulrich to rcvokc this: <br />Agmeramr; and that this AFF'Centcnt will not become cfre-6vc er <br />t t`,irrccablc until the revuwaliun period hah expired. if Plainlifti revoke <br />the Agreement during the scyeet-day revocation r-criod, this Agmeemem <br />shall heconir nutl and void- <br />kr. ].n the. event Plaintiffs sip this l€sec:n�nl altd I Burr. it Ito Efrc City in Isss than <br />the 2t-day period i,dereiFwd al;Alv.-, Plamfifs h0t411y atcknowliudge. that they htnT frcch, and <br />vuhtntardy chaser to waive the time petiud availal,ic igr consideration of'this Agrecriaent. Am <br />explained abet Phiintit Et may rebuke Ellis 'lg,eertleitt in its ertirety during the seven (?) ciays <br />fa Ilo-A n Plaintiffs" ex0cution of ir. Any rcvocati(la of this_ Agrccowni must be it, writing and <br />rovowd hy the C ity's Dinmor of Hunwi Resources (or his success(jry cluring the 5�zvcn-day <br />m,oeation pericid, This tprez"nent "ill beccmc efredive end crtftrQcah)e c yl'at M days <br />t'allnwing saocution bV both Laura Frank. and Jtrhn Franks, un[oss wher Laura F'reilks andim <br />RAM Franks rtvot;cs it during, the seven-day period com:isrrrM With ;he terms ul this Pamgraph. <br />he city and 1'lairrtif3 agrer ihut no change ter this Agreement, whe-chin uir ztrrial or itnntaterial, <br />swill r4slaa the runttiag of ow du•cntyane (21 ) clay period, In the event that citl,cr Laura Ftanks <br />--I}'-1:171L=uiettA ¢„tints Imrlv_c hvir.led FTanks r <br />nf'If <br />