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AA 2018-09 <br />December 9, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br />Additional Measures 787aa77 <br />ot located within 7ce <br />771f <br />hood association. However, staff <br />up of adjacent ny areas of concern due to ther plan, At the timonly one written response askingf the ro'ect was <br />CEQA Analysis <br />As part of the City's permitting process, the proposed project is required to undergo an environmental <br />review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In accordance with <br />CEQA, the recommended actions have been reviewed through an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration (ER No. 2009-19). Sections 15070 through 15075 of the State CEQA Guidelines (Article <br />6) guide the process for the preparation of a negative declaration (ND) or mitigated negative <br />declaration (MND). <br />The MND prepared for the project, as required by CEQA, contains a project description, project <br />location map, proposed finding that the project with mitigation will not have a significant effect on the <br />environment, a copy of the initial study, and mitigation measures to avoid potentially significant effects <br />(Exhibit 8). The mitigation measures included in the MND are designed to reduce or eliminate the <br />potentially significant environmental impacts. The scope of the MND evaluates the proposed projects <br />effects on the following resource topics: aesthetics, agricultural resources, air quality, biological <br />resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and <br />hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use, mineral resources, noise, population <br />and housing, public services, recreation, transportation and traffic, and utilities and service systems. <br />The City hired a consultant to prepare a draft MND and circulated it to all interested or required <br />parties on the City s standard distribution list on June 7, 2018. A notice of intent to adopt was also <br />published in the Orange County Reporter on June 7, 2018. The City circulated the draft MND for <br />a 20-day public review between June 8, 2018 and June 27, 2018. The draft MND was available for <br />public review at the Santa Ana City Hall, the City of Santa Ana Main Library, and on the City's <br />webpage created for the project. <br />This MND is intended to provide a means to receive and respond to comments pertaining to the <br />analysis contained in the draft MND and to provide an opportunity for clarification, corrections, or minor <br />revisions to the environmental document as needed. Comments were received during the public <br />review period. Although not required for an MND pursuant to the State CEQA Guidelines, the City, as <br />the lead agency for the project, has responded to all comments received on the document after a <br />thorough review of each comment's contents. <br />As a result of the environmental analysis, no areas of significant impacts were found from the <br />construction of the proposed project. Mitigation measures have been provided to address potential <br />environmental impacts, with a list of these mitigation measures found within the attached Mitigation <br />Monitoring and Reporting Program. Mitigation measures have been outlined to address potential <br />impacts on air quality, biological resources, cultural and tribal cultural resources, geology and soils, <br />75B-29 <br />