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AA 2018-09 <br />December 9, 2019 <br />Page 4 <br />The current Professional (P) designation permits a variety of business uses that aim to create a <br />professional business environment and prohibits the uses found on the Calvary Church campus. <br />The change to SD-95 will provide assurances that the Calvary Church campus master plan will be <br />implemented in the future and will not be impacted by any future general plan and zoning code <br />changes. The SD designation will allow the church use, school use and professional office uses <br />on the campus. <br />When considering a zone change it is important to consider surrounding land uses and economic <br />factors. First, the existing church is located within a professional office corridor. The church, which <br />has differing operating and vehicular peak periods than the surrounding office uses, has been found <br />to be compatible with the adjacent uses. Additionally, the Church has not generated any adverse <br />impacts to the single-family neighborhood to the west. The Church buildings are set back a <br />minimum of 60 feet from the residential uses and have not created any type of adverse impact. <br />Further, the school, which operates during the day, has its playground also set back approximately <br />60 feet from the residences, thereby minimizing Impacts to the adjacent residences. Finally, the <br />Church has had a neutral economic impact on the City as the site has not been part of the City's <br />tax base since its opening. Implementation of the master plan, including the demolition of existing <br />buildings and the construction of new buildings, will not create any new economic impact. <br />The project will promote a development that is suitable for the site. The project will also contribute <br />to the promotion of a balance of land uses in the City. Finally, the development, through the <br />construction of the proposed project, will contribute to the enhancement of a portion of the city that <br />has seen minimal investment in recent years. <br />Table 4• CEQA Strategic Plan Alignment and Public Notification & Community Outreach <br />Reason(s) A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), Environmental Review No. 2000-1% witn <br />Exempt or Analysis technical studies was prepared for the project. No areas of unavoidable Impacts were <br />determined from the construction or operation of the proposed project (Exhibit 2). The <br />project requires adoption and approval of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />(MMRP), which contains mitigation measures to address biological resources, geology and <br />soils, noise, transportation, and hazardous and hazardous materials. The Planning <br />Commission will consider this MND in their review of the project. <br />of this item supports the Clty's efforts to meet Goal No.3 (Economic uevelopment) <br />No. 2 of creating new opportunities for business/job growth and encourage <br />welonment throuah new General Plan and Zonlna Ordinance policies. <br />A public notice was posted on the project site ten (10) days prior to public hearing date. <br />Notification by mail was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 600 feet of the <br />project site ten (10) days prior to public hearing date. <br />Newspaper posting was published in the Orange County Reporter ten (10) days prior to <br />75B-28 <br />