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COMMENT: City's Consistency Analysis, as shown above, clearly states that “it is important <br />that any new development not weaken the existing fabric of these long-established areas, <br />particularly those that contain historic resources”. <br />Toll Brothers project, with its out of scale size, weakens the ''fabric'' of the historic character <br />of the City, especially its antique Downtown. Project scale, massing and incongruous <br />architectural style undermines the historic character of the Downtown permanently and <br />irrevocably. <br />REQUEST #12: The Planning Commission must act to protect the ''fabric'' of City's historical <br />character and return the project, as it is now designed, to the Applicant, and request that it <br />work with the community to revise the project to reflect the scale, massing and architecture <br />of the historic Downtown. <br />CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS (TRANSIT ZONING CODE EIR) <br />The design and development standards contained within the Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and <br />SD 84B) contain detailed requirements in regards to building types, frontage types, massing, <br />height, architecture, accessibility, parking, street presence and landscaping. These standards <br />are specifically designed to ensure that new development within established neighborhoods, <br />as well as existing commercial areas, is sensitive to the existing built form of that area. (page <br />4.4-17) <br />Figure 4.7-1, Land Use portion of the Transit Zoning Code EIR includes the First American site <br />as part of the Downtown (DT) zoning. Page 4.4-18 states: <br />The Transit Zoning Code (SD84A and SD 84B) creates a new zone, the Downtown (DT) Zone for <br />the area generally contained within the Downtown Santa Ana National Register <br />District...Specifically, the DT Zone limits building heights based upon the existing historic <br />context of the buildings currently located in the Historic Downtown. The DT Zone allows for the <br />addition of residential uses within the existing historic structures, which will contribute to the <br />long-term economic viability of these buildings, allowing for adaptive re-use and reinvestment <br />in these historic properties. <br />COMMENT: The Project fails to ensure that it is sensitive to the existing built-form of the <br />Downtown. The majority of the built=form is low, 2-story, and intimate. The current historic <br />building heights along the south side of Fourth Street, and to its east, is only 2 stories. A 4- <br />story building is west of the site. There is also one 3 story and several four story buildings, <br />and a single 6-story building nearby, however none of these structures occupies more than a <br />single corner of one block. The project proposes a 6 to7 story building, covering much more <br />space than any of the other Downtown buildings, which is significantly different from the <br />current built condition. <br />REQUEST 13: Direct the Applicant to redesign its project to include lower height buildings to <br />be sensitive to the Downtown's dramatically lower scale.