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Request #9: City must abide by its adopted policy and direct the applicant to redesign its <br />glass and metal project to reflect one or more of the existing historical architectural styles in <br />the Downtown. I request the City work with Downtown businesses, owners and the <br />preservation community on selecting the new style. <br />City Policy 2.8 The character and uniqueness of existing districts and neighborhoods are to be <br />protected from intrusive development. <br />City Policy 2.11 New developments must re-enforce, or help establish district character. <br />COMMENT: The First American Title Company/Toll Brothers project does not re-enforce, or <br />help establish district character. The project fails to follow City's adopted policy because it is <br />out-of-scale to other historic buildings in the Downtown, fails to adopt a compatible <br />architectural style found in the Downtown, and proposes to demolish one or more antique <br />buildings currently on site. <br />REQUEST #10: Require Applicant work with the affected districts and neighborhoods, <br />including the Downtown, to insure the project reflects the character of these places. <br />City Goal 6 Create new and protect existing City landmarks and memorable places that convey <br />positive images <br />City Policy 6.2 Development near an existing landmark must be supportive and respectful of <br />the architecture, site, and other design features of the landmark. <br />COMMNET: Applicant's project fails to follow City's policy to support or be respectful of the <br />architecture of other landmark structures in the Downtown, including the Spurgeon Building. <br />REQUEST #11: Direct the Applicant to work with the community on a design which is both <br />supportive and respectful of nearby Landmark buildings. <br />CONSISTENCY ANALYSIS (TRANSIT ZONING CODE EIR) <br />The Transit Zoning Code (SD84A and SD 84B) creates nine distinct zoning categories that are <br />organized around intensity of building form. This approach to zoning, often referred to as <br />''form-based'' code, places significant emphasis on the exterior design of new buildings in <br />order to ensure that they are compatible with the existing context of established <br />neighborhoods, shopping districts, etc. Because the entire project area has been subject to <br />intensive development and, subsequently, relatively few large-scale development <br />opportunities exist, it is important that any new development not weaken the existing fabric of <br />these long-established areas, particularly those that contain historic resources. (page 4.4-17).